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《灵界经历》 第3614节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3614

3614. Those who do not entertain objections against the higher knowledge of faith are safe from evil spirits

Spirits complained that they could no longer be present. Because I was abiding in the higher knowledge of faith, it was not permitted to entertain objections. They said that then they have nothing by which they can lead - saying also, by which they can mislead - for by their objections they very much mislead mankind. If they utter only a single objection then it matters not how many confirming truths there are, they are nothing. For people are then carried along by their desires, which produce fantasies, and then they willingly allow objections to enter, a single one of which carries more weight with them than a thousand confirmations. Therefore, for a person to be truly human, or to have true faith, the opposite should be the case, namely that a single truth prevails over thousands, and tens of thousands, of objections. So the evil spirits take flight, because they cannot live in that aura. 1748, 19 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3614


[Certain] spirits complained that they could no longer be present, because as long as anyone remained [firm] in the knowledges of faith, he was not allowed to admit objections. They said therefore that they had no means of leading them, affirming also that it was through this medium that they seduced them; that by the force of a single objection all confirming truths, however numerous, were rendered of no effect; for man is so borne on by his cupidities, which produce phantasies, that they willingly admit objections, of which a single one then becomes stronger with them than a thousand confirmations. Wherefore that a man be true, or in true faith, he ought to be in the opposite state, so that one truth may prevail over a thousand or ten thousand objections; thus evil spirits will flee, for they cannot live in such a sphere. - 1748, October 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 3614 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3614. Qui objectiones contra cognitiones fidei non admittunt, securi sunt a spiritibus malis

Conquesti spiritus, quod non magis adesse possent, quia [ego] manens in cognitionibus fidei, objectiones admittere non permittebatur, dicentes quod sic nihil habeant quibus ducant, dicendo quoque, quibus seducant, per talia enim maxime seducunt hominem, objiciendo modo unum, tunc quotquot sunt veritates confirmantes, nihili sunt, nam fertur homo sic a suis cupiditatibus, quae producunt phantasias, sic libenter admittentes objectiones, quarum una tunc fortior apud eos est mille confirmantibus: quare ut homo sit verus, seu in vera fide, in opposito debet esse, ut una veritas praevaleat millibus et myriadibus objectionum, ita fugiunt mali spiritus, quia in tali sphaera nequeunt vivere. 1748, 19 Oct.

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