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《灵界经历》 第3619节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3619

3619. While I was in a state of sleep and midway between sleep and wakefulness, a certain spirit constantly wanted me to take note of and to write down the things on my mind, and it even seemed to him that they were being written. But as I also perceived, it was for the sake of his own glory. For this reason water was likewise seen flowing out of a canal, filthy water. Therefore, whatever one does for one's own glory or aggrandizement is stagnant and filthy water. 1748, 20 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3619

3619. When I was in a state of sleep, and also in a middle state, between sleeping and waking, a certain spirit wished that I should observe and write down those things which were in my mind, and it appeared pleasing to him, that they should be written; but it was also perceived, on account of his own self glory; wherefore filthy water was also seen to flow out of a certain canal, whence it was perceived that foul and filthy water corresponds to that state in which a person is when he acts on account of his own glory and renown. - 1748, October 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 3619 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3619. Dum in statu somni et medio inter somnum et vigiliam continuo spiritus quidam volebat ut ea, quae in animo erant, observarem et scriberem, et visum ei quod etiam scriberentur, sed sicut etiam perceptum erat ejus gloriationis causa, quare similiter visa aqua effluens ex quodam canali, spurca; quare quicquid aliquis agit sui gloriae vel gloriationis causa, est aqua squalida et spurca. 1748, 20 Oct.

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