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《灵界经历》 第3624节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3624

3624. Reflections of thought

It is well known that by reflection we learn facts about the body - how the eye sees, the ear hears, how the sense of smell distinguishes odors, the tongue distinguishes tastes and the touch the diverse parts of the body - for without reflection nothing is felt, as the case is with those in an absent state of mind, whose body is insensitive almost as in sleep.

[2] But there are reflections of thought, which I have observed many times, and because it had not previously been granted me to ponder about them, have evaded description. They are any objects of thoughts whatever which, when one is held in them, or one's reflection is kept fixed upon them by spirits, created a great deal of trouble - for the most part having to do with one's own affairs, or things that are to come, as is evident from much experience. Whenever I was prompted to think of my little garden, of him who cared for it, of my having to be called home, of money matters, of the attitude of my acquaintances, of the character of the people in my house, of things that were to be written, how they would be received by the people and the possibility that they would not be understood, of new clothes that had to be obtained, and many other such cares - whenever I was kept reflecting on them for a long time, spirits would straightway throw in troublesome, worrisome and evil things, together with supporting thoughts and desires. And I noticed that when I had not been in the thought of such things for months and years, I did not care about them at all, nor experience that they brought on any stress. These are the reflections of thought by which the longer one is held in them, the more one is infested by evil spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3624


It is well known that by means of reflections we may learn the things pertaining to the body, as how the eye sees, the ear hears, the nose smells, the tongue tastes, and the touch perceives the diversities of body, for without reflection nothing is perceived, as is the case with those in a state of abstraction, whose body is almost as insensible as in sleep. But reflections of thoughts are given, which have very often been observed by me, but have not been described, because it was not thus given previously to reflect upon them. There are various objects of thoughts, in which, while a man is held, or his reflection is kept fixed upon them by spirits, they occasion much disturbance, as experience abundantly teaches respecting those things which are at present his own, or which may happen hereafter. As often as it was given me to think of my garden, of him who had the care of it, of my being called home, of money matters, of the state of the minds of those that were known to me, of the state or character of those in my house, of the things that I was to write, especially how they would be received by others, and the probability that they would not be understood, of new garments that were to be obtained, and various other things of this kind whenever I was held for some time in this kind of reflection, spirits would immediately throw in inconvenient, troublesome, and evil suggestions, together with confirmations and cupidities; and it was observed that when I had not been in the thought of such things for months or years, I had no care about them still less did they give trouble. These are the reflections of thought, in which whoever is detained he is the more infested by evil spirits the longer the reflection is continued.

Experientiae Spirituales 3624 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3624. Reflexiones cogitationis

Quod per reflexiones sciamus ea quae sunt corporis, quomodo videt oculus, audit auris, quod odoratur olfactus, gustat lingua, et tactus diversitates in corpore, notum est, nam absque reflexione, nihil sentitur, sicut iis, qui in abstractione sunt, corpus eorum est insensibile sicut fere in somno. Sed dantur reflexiones cogitationum, quae mihi multoties observatae, sed quia super eas prius reflectere ita non datum, non descriptae; sunt objecta cogitationum quaecunque, in quibus dum homo tenetur, seu reflexio ejus super ea detinetur a spiritibus, tunc multam molestiam creant, ut plurimum de iis quae sua sunt, et quae ventura, experientia multa constitit, quoties cogitare datum de hortulo meo, de eo qui eum habet, de eo, quod domum revocandus, de pecuniis, de animo eorum qui mihi cogniti sunt, quales de iis personis in domo, quales, de iis quae scribenda, quomodo acceptanda ab hominibus, quod non intelligenda, de vestibus aliis quae comparandae, et de talibus multis, cum in reflexione ista tenerer diu, spiritus illico ingesserunt incommoda, molesta, mala, cum confirmantibus et cupiditatibus; et observatum, cum in cogitatione talium non fuerim per menses et annos, nihil usquam curaverim, minus quod aliquam molestiam induxerint; haec sunt reflexiones cogitationis, in quibus qui detinetur, quo diutius eo magis infestatur a malis spiritibus.

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