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《灵界经历》 第3623节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3623

3623. Mankind is absolutely not denied enjoyments and pleasures

Some suppose that one who has faith ought to renounce all enjoyments of life and pleasures of the body. But I can bear witness to the fact that they have never been denied to me, but have been granted - not only pleasures of the body and the senses such as have been granted to others who are alive, but enjoyments of life and states of happiness have been granted and given to me and to no others, I believe, in the whole earth, that are greater and more exquisite than anyone among mortals could ever imagine, or believe. 1748, 20 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3623


Some think, that they who are in the faith, should remove from themselves all the delights of life, and all the pleasures of the body: but this I can assert, that delights and pleasures have never been denied to me; for I have been permitted to enjoy not only the pleasures of the body and the senses, like those who live [in the world], but I have also been permitted to enjoy such delights and felicities of life, as, I believe, no persons in the whole world ever before enjoyed, which were greater and more exquisite than any person could imagine and believe. - 1748, October 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 3623 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3623. Quod jucunditates et voluptates nusquam negatae sint homini

Putant aliqui, quod qui in fide, removere debeat omnes jucunditates vitae, et voluptates corporis, sed hoc contestari possum, quod nusquam mihi negatae sint, sed quod concessae, non solum voluptates corporis et sensuum, sicut aliis, qui vivunt, sed concessae et datae jucunditates vitae, et felicitates, quae nullis aliis, ut reor, in universa tellure, quae majores et exquisitiores sunt, quam aliquis mortalium sibi imaginari, et credere usquam possit. 1748, 20 Oct.

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