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《灵界经历》 第3628节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3628

3628. Lest therefore a person come into such patent insanities and also into fantasies beyond number, the Lord Alone takes care, and lest anyone slip into such states, the Lord has commanded that they take no care for the morrow [Matt. 6:34], for taking care for the morrow is just what such [reflections of thought] mean. They who have or who incline toward such worries can never be withdrawn from them except by faith in the Lord. Those who have faith are liberated by the Lord, however much they are infested by such things coming from spirits - and this in countless ways, both from without and from within. 1748, 21 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3628

3628. Therefore the Lord alone makes provision that man may not come into such insanities, and thence into innumerable phantasies; and in order to prevent this, He commands that we shall have no care for the morrow, for this is what is signified by having care for the morrow. Those, therefore, who are in such conceits, and strongly inclined to them, can by no means be drawn out of them, except by faith in the Lord. Those who are in faith are liberated by the Lord, however infested by spirits, and this by innumerable methods, both external and internal. - 1748, October 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 3628 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3628. Ne itaque homo in apertas tales insanias, tum in phantasias innumerabiles veniat, Dominus Solus consulit, et ne in talia cadat, mandavit Dominus ne crastina curent [Matth. VI: 34], nam crastina curare talia significat; eo qui in talibus, et ad talia inclinant, nusquam inde abstrahi queunt, nisi per fidem in Dominum. Qui in fide, a Domino liberantur, utcunque a talibus infestantur a spiritibus, et hoc innumeris mediis, tam externis, quam internis. 1748, 21 Oct.

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