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《灵界经历》 第3629节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3629

3629. On something flaming before the eyes

Unexpectedly there fell a huge flaming something before my eyes that was so dazzling as to be indescribable. It was so flaming that it dazzled not only the eye but even the inward sight, as I now perceive clearly. For I came at once into wonderment as to the source of this flaming something.

Presently I saw also something dark, as dark as a dark cloud, but containing something earthen. I realized that this was from the Lord, through heaven, so as to show how much wisdom the angels have in comparison with the intelligence of lower spirits, which is like this intense heavenly flaminess compared to that darkness. The difference is such that just the difference is indescribable. Such is the case with all and the very least things of the angelic heaven, not only with regard to wisdom, but to the least facets of wisdom, with regard to speech, as well as to happiness, and everything else: as I have noticed several times earlier by an inflowing of inward angels into me, which I could not feel except as something rather chilly [2570].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3629


There suddenly fell a large flaming something before my eye, which it dazzled in a manner that cannot be described. It was so resplendent as not only to dazzle the [outward] eye, but the interior sight also, which I now clearly perceive, for I fell at once into a state of wonder whence such a brightness could proceed. Presently there was perceived something obscure, like an obscure cloud, but in which there was something terrene. I perceived that this came from the Lord, through heaven, in order that it might appear how great is the wisdom of angels compared with the intelligence of inferior spirits, which are respectively as this intense celestial flame and that [terrene] obscurity to each other. Wherefore the difference is such as cannot be described. Thus are all and each of the things of the angelic heaven, not the wisdom only [in general], but each particular of the wisdom, so also the speech, the felicity, and everything else. This was several times perceived before by the influx into me of the interior angels, of which I was only sensible by [feeling] something approaching to cold.

Experientiae Spirituales 3629 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3629. De flammeo ante oculos

Inopinato occidit flammeum ingens ante oculum meum, quem ita perstrinxit, ut non describi possit, erat tale flammeum, ut perstringeret non modo oculum sed etiam interiorem visum, quod manifeste nunc percipio; nam in admirationem veni illico unde tale flammeum; mox quoque visum obscurum quoddam, obscurum ut nubes obscura, sed in quo terrenum: percepi, quod hoc a Domino, per coelum, ut constaret quanta sapientia angelorum, pro intelligentia spirituum inferiorum, quae se habent, sicut intensum hoc seu coeleste flammeum ad obscurum istud: quare differentia est talis, ut solum differentia describi nequeat: ita se [habent] omnia et singula coeli angelici, non solum sapientia, sed singula sapientiae, tum loquela, ut et felicitas, praeter reliqua: quod prius aliquoties perceptum per angelorum interiorum influxum in me, quem non sentire potui, nisi per frigidiusculum [2570] .

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