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《灵界经历》 第363节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 363

363. Who the Water Carriers are [cf. Deut. 29:11, Josh. 9:21,23,27]

Those who think from the Word, but not from a belief grounded in truth, that they deserve heaven because they labor in the vineyard, or preach, and also teach, and therefore think that they merit salvation, are purged in the other life by means of appropriate fantasies, but especially by this, that they seem to themselves to be carrying water from lakes or from a sea surrounding them and pouring this water into a trough, to give a flock to drink. When the trough is filled up, they rest, until they again draw and the trough is filled again to overflowing.

A flock did, in fact, appear to come to drink, but whether the flock appears to them, I cannot yet affirm. 1747, 18 December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 363


Those who, without true faith, suppose from the Word that they merit heaven from having labored in the vineyard, or having preached and taught, and hence suppose that they merit salvation, are vastated by corresponding phantasies in the other life; but principally by this, that they seem to themselves to carry water from ponds, or from the sea by which they are surrounded, and to pour it into a trough so that a flock may drink. When the trough is filled, they rest until they again draw. The trough is filled until the water overflows. It seemed indeed as though a flock would come and drink: but whether a flock does appear to them cannot yet be confirmed. 1747, Dec. 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 363 (original Latin 1748-1764)

363. Quinam Aquarii [cf Deut. XXIX: II, Jos. IX: 21, 22, 27, 22, 27]

Qui ex Verbo, absque vera fide, putant se mereri coelum, ex eo quod laborent in vinea, seu praedicent, ac docent, ac inde putant se mereri salutem, ii vastantur in altera vita, per phantasias correspondentes, sed praecipue per id, quod videantur sibi portare aquas ex lacubus seu mari, quo circumcincti sunt, quam aquam hauriunt in canalem, ut potent gregem, quando canalis repletus est, tunc quiescunt, usque dum iterum hauriant, canalis repletur usque ut aqua circumfundatur; visum quidem est, quasi grex veniret, qui potaretur, verum annon grex iis appareat, nondum constare potest. 1747, 18 Dec.

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