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《灵界经历》 第3638节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3638

3638. So there is a universal language that is like human thought apart from the language of words. That there is a still more inward thought one may know upon reflection. For whatever one thinks and holds to be the meaning of one's speaking is from some purpose and on account of a purpose, i.e. those who think have a purpose from and for which [they speak] - which directs the thoughts, and which does not expose itself so readily with the evil in the speech of words. Since therefore there is such an element directing the thoughts, as everyone may know very well, each for themselves, it is obvious that such an inward thought exists that controls the lower thought. Especially the deceitful engage more than others in that kind of thought, for they more consciously think from purposes and for purposes, and seldom publicize them, for which reason that thinking inwardly flourishes and increases more consciously.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3638

3638. That there is, moreover, this interior thought, a man may be still further convinced, upon reflection; for whatever he thinks and has in the sense of his speech, is from an end and for an end. Those who think have an end from which and on account of which [they think], and this end directs their thoughts, though with the evil it does not disclose itself in the speech of words. As therefore there is such a directing power over the thoughts, and this may be known to everyone, it may plainly appear that such thought is interior, and governs the inferior [i. e. the exterior]. The deceitful are pre-eminently in such thought, for they more manifestly think from ends and on account of ends, and rarely divulge their thought, for which reason it acquires more strength within, and is obviously augmented.

Experientiae Spirituales 3638 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3638. spirituum loquela est universalis, qualis cogitationis hominis absque loquela vocum. Quod adhuc interior cogitatio sit, adhuc homo potest scire, se reflectit, nam quicquid cogitat, et in loquelae sensu habet, est ex fine, et propter finem, qui cogitant habent finem ex quo et propter quem, qui dirigit cogitata, et qui se non ita propalat apud malos in loquela vocum, cum itaque tale dirigens cogitationum sit, et hoc cuivis notum esse potest, constare potest, quod talis cogitatio interior sit, quae regit inferiorem: dolosi imprimis in tali cogitatione prae aliis sunt, nam manifestius cogitant ex finibus et propter fines, et raro propalant, quare interius viget, et augetur manifestius.

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