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《灵界经历》 第3642节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3642

3642. The evil and the deceitful communicate their mental imagery without knowing who is there, and how many there are, and that all are being held there, and joined together for a certain purpose. For evil purposes also conjoin people, but if they knew who their companions in the other life were, and were not held steadfast in common purposes, they would hurl themselves at each other, for each desires to rule over the other, and to destroy the other - this I perceived. 1748, 21 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3642

3642. That the evil and deceitful communicate their ideas before they know who are there, and how many; and that all are kept to a certain end, and thus conjoined - for evil ends also conjoin, whereas if they should know in the other life their associates, and were not held to common ends, one would rush upon another, as everyone wishes to domineer over another, and to destroy another - [all] this was perceived. - 1748, October 21. 1


1. As we have great doubt as to the true rendering of this section, we subjoin the original that the competent reader may have the means of better satisfying himself.

"Quod mali et dolosi communicent suas ideas, praeter quod sciant, quinam ibi, et quot sunt, et quod ad certum finum teneanter omnes, ita conjuncti, nam mali fines quoque conjungunt, at si scirent in altera vita socios, et non detinerentur ad fines communes, rueret unus in alterum, nam quisque imperare alteri, destruere alterum cupit: hoc perceptum.

Experientiae Spirituales 3642 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3642. Quod mali et dolosi communicent suas ideas, praeter quod sciant, quinam ibi, et quot sunt, et quod ad certum finem teneantur omnes, ita conjuncti - nam mali fines quoque conjungunt, at si scirent in altera vita socios, et non detinerentur ad fines communes, rueret unus in alterum, nam quisque imperare alteri, et destruere alterum cupit - hoc perceptum. 1748, 21 Oct.

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