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《灵界经历》 第3641节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3641

3641. People on earth are held in the company of spirits

All people on earth whatsoever are kept in some society of spirits. Without being in a society one would not survive. One is kept in a society by means of mediums, and in a society, of course, harmonious with one's nature. Thus where a thousand people may be together, each one is held in his or her own society. And because all things have their generals, so too do societies, a general type of which embraces many [particular] societies having communication in a manner that the Lord arranges. Therefore people are placed in the general society according to their nature, or its ruling characteristic, and in others according to the varieties of their life. These societies also have their opposites, for there is an equilibrium of all societies by means of opposites, as much experience shows.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3641


All men whatever are kept, through the medium of subjects, in some society of spirits - apart from which one could not live - and that too in a society suited to the nature of each; so that if we suppose a thousand men at once, each one of them is kept in his own society. And as there are common principles [communia] of all things, so also of societies, of which a commune [communis] embraces a number [of single societies]. Between these there is a communication according to the Lord's disposal; thus each man [is placed] in a common society according to his nature, or according to the nature of that principle which there prevails; in others according to the varieties of his life. To these societies there exist opposites, for the equilibrium of all things is sustained by opposites, as experience has abundantly proved.

Experientiae Spirituales 3641 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3641. Quod homines teneantur in societate spirituum

Quicunque homines sunt, tenentur in societate quadam spirituum, absque ut esset in societate non viveret, per subjecta tenetur in societate; et quidem in societate naturae ejus conveniente; ita mille homines simul, quisque in suamet societate tenetur: et quia omnium rerum sunt communia, ita etiam societatum, quarum communis complectitur plures, inter quas communicatio secundum dispositionem Domini, ita homo in communi societate secundum naturam suam, seu naturae quod regnat, in caeteris secundum ejus vitae varietates: quibus etiam sunt opposita, nam aequilibrium est omnium per opposita, ut multa experientia constat.

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