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《灵界经历》 第3644节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3644

3644. About distance in the other life

Spirits began to doubt whether it was fallacy, or appearance, that spirits appear as they do, with respect to the body - at the right side, the left, close by, within - thinking that such is their genuine location. They were told in reply by means of thought, that thinking is what conjoins, for thinking knows no place, or no distance; neither does sight, except from intervening objects.

[2] What thoughts achieve in the other life is evident from mental imagery, which joins parties together to form societies of similar spirits. This also evident from fantasies, for a fantasy can cause a spirit to appear above when he is below, and below when he is above. Why should not thought do the same, depending on his quality? For according to their natures and characters, spirits are allotted places in the other life - according as the Lord disposes. Therefore, when the thinking is distorted or corrupted, he appears to himself to be elsewhere, which, however, is a fallacy; but when his place is constant, it is an appearance. 1748, 21 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3644


Spirits began to doubt whether it were a fallacy or an appearance, that spirits seemed to be present about the body, at the right, the left, close by, within, &c., thinking [but not being sure] that such was their real position. But it was by thought answered them, that it is thought which conjoins; for to thought there is neither place nor distance, as neither is there to sight, except from objects interposed. What effect thought produces in the other life may appear from ideas, which conjoin, whence arise societies of similars; and also from phantasies, since a phantasy can cause one to appear above when he is below, and below when he is above, and so on - what thought alone does not do - according to the quality of anyone, for places are allotted in the other life by the Divine disposition according to the nature and genius of each. Wherefore when thought is perverted, or is perverse, one appears to himself to be elsewhere [than where he is] which is then a fallacy; but when the place is constant to them, it is an appearance. - 1748, October 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 3644 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3644. De distantia in altera vita

Spiritus incipiebant dubitare, an fallacia sit, seu apparentia, quod appareant ita spiritus ad corpus, ad dextrum, sinistrum, proxime, intus, putantes, quod eorum genuinus locus talis sit, sed iis responsum per cogitationem, quod cogitatio sit, quae conjungit, nam cogitationi nullus locus seu nulla distantia, sicut nec visui, nisi ab interjectis; quid cogitatio efficiat in altera vita, constare potest ab ideis, quae conjungunt, unde societates similium, tum a phantasiis; cum phantasia possit facere, ut appareat supra cum infra, et infra cum supra et sic porro, quid non cogitatio, secundum cujus qualitatem, nam secundum naturas et indoles, sortiuntur loca in altera vita, secundum dispositionem Domini? quare cum cogitatio pervertitur seu perversa est, alibi sibi apparet, quod tamen est fallacia, at ubi constans ejus locus, est apparentia. 1748, 21 Oct.

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