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《灵界经历》 第3645节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3645

3645. In the world of spirits everyone thinks the other to be nothing

Those who speak through a medium all regard the medium as nothing, but that it is they themselves through the one who is speaking. The medium, on the other hand, thinks it to be himself who speaks, and those who speak through him to be nothing. And everyone in a society of evil spirits considers the other to be nothing, because they have almost the same mental image. So everyone imagines it to be himself who is thinking.

Therefore I was prompted to ask them, when they became displeased, as usual, at being nothing, whether or not the one thinks the other to be nothing, and they who were asked said yes, that they think the mediums are nothing, and when he who answered was himself made a medium, and others were questioned concerning him, they said he was nothing, for they thought themselves to be everything. Thus it could proceed from one to the other, and everyone who thought themselves to be everything was declared by the others to be nothing. So they were asked why they were so displeased when they themselves say of the others, and the others say of them, and thus all the evil spirits say of their companions, that they are nothing, so that all of them were nothing compared with themselves? Consequently, since this is a fallacy, were they not all nothing in comparison with the Lord, Who Alone is life? 1748, 21 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3645


Whatever spirits speak by a subject, they each one of them think the subject to be nothing, but that it is he himself who speaks through him. The subject [on the other hand] thinks it to be himself who speaks, and those who speak through him to be nothing. In this light everyone in a society of evil spirits views another, because they are in a similar idea, each one considering it to be himself who thinks. Wherefore it was given to ask them, when they resented, as they usually do, the idea of being nothing, whether they now thought another to be nothing, and those that were questioned replied that they thought the subjects to be nothing; and when he who answered was himself made a subject, and others were interrogated respecting him, they said he was nothing, for they thought themselves to be everything. Thus it could be followed up from one to another, and everyone, while he deemed himself everything, was accounted as nothing by the others. Wherefore it was inquired of them why they were so indignant, when others said of them what they said of others, and when the whole multitude of evil spirits said of their companions that they were nothing, thus each of all the rest, that compared with themselves they were nothing? In view of all this, since the fallacy was such, were they not all nothing in comparison with the Lord, who alone is life? -l748, October 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 3645 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3645. Quod in mundo spirituum quisque putet alterum nihil esse

Qui loquuntur per subjectum, quisque eorum putat subjectum esse nihil, sed esse se per eum qui loquitur: subjectum putat se esse, et qui per eum loquuntur, esse nihil; et quisque in societate malorum spirituum putat alterum esse nihil, quia in simili fere idea sunt, sic putat quisque se esse qui cogitat; quare dicere datum iis, cum indignati sunt, ut solet, quod nihil sint, annon unus alterum putet nihil esse, et qui interrogati dicebant ita quod subjecta putent nihil esse, et qui respondebat, factus subjectum, interrogati alii, de eo, dicebant quod nihil esset, quia se putant omne, ita potuit ab uno ad alterum procedi, et quisque, qui putaret se esse omne, ab aliis diceretur quod nihil sit: quare iis dictum, cur ita indignarentur, cum ipsi de aliis, et alii de iis, et sic omnes mali spiritus dicant de sociis quod nihil sint, sic quod omnes essent respectu eorum nihil: quid tunc, cum talis fallacia, annon nihil sint respective ad Dominum, Qui Solus vita? 1748, 21 Oct.

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