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《灵界经历》 第3649节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3649

3649. About the Lord whom he called Christ he had no other opinion than that He must be worshipped insofar as He gives them that power, but if He does not give it, I realized, He would not be worshipped so that they themselves would be able to exercise that power on earth under the Lord's person. Moreover, when I spoke with him about inward things flowing into outward ones, he had such a filthy mental image of it as to be almost excremental, which flowed in. Such are they who are of pontifical rank and those who are revered on earth as the highest in the doctrine of faith.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3649

3649. Concerning the Lord, whom he called Christ, he had no other opinion than that he is to be worshipped, in so far as it is he who confers upon them that power, but if he were considered as not conferring it, I perceived that he would not be worshipped, so that everything had reference to their being able to exercise that power on earth under the person [or in the name] of the Lord. When I farther spoke with him concerning interior things, that they flowed into exterior, he had an idea of that influx so filthy as to be almost excrementitious. Such are they who are of the pontifical rank and are reverenced on earth as the highest in the doctrine of faith.

Experientiae Spirituales 3649 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3649. mittat; de Domino quem vocabat Christum, non aliam opinionem habuit, [quam] quod colendus, quantum dat iis potestatem istam, at si non daret, percipiebam, quod non coleretur, sic ut sub Domini persona exercere potestatem eam in terra possent. Praeterea cum loquutum cum eo de interioribus, quod influerent in exteriora, tam spurcam ideam habuit, ut paene excrementitiam, quae influeret; tales sunt ii, qui pontifices sunt, et qui coluntur in terra pro summis in doctrina fidei.

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