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《灵界经历》 第3648节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3648

3648. I spoke with him, since that is what he had been, about various matters, such as Peter and his keys [Matt. 16:19], which he imagined he held, and he had such a crude idea about them that he would display something like a door into heaven into which he was inserting the key in order to open it. He claimed that Peter's keys had been given to him and that opened gratis to the poor, but that the rich would be charged as much as they could give, for their giving was a holy act.

Asked whether he believed that those whom he lets in remain, he said he does not know, but if not, they leave the place. Moreover, he wanted to humble himself, saying that he was nothing, because they call themselves the servants of servants, even though as I think he was told

3648. 1/2. they arrogate to themselves all power. It was further said that they cannot know whether those whom they let in are worthy, for perhaps they are robbers and others who must abide in hell. He answered that he did not care, and if they are not worthy, they can be sent out. But I was inspired to tell him what is meant by the keys of Peter, namely, that faith is what Peter symbolized, and because no one bestows faith but the Lord, the Lord Alone admits into heaven: and that Peter does not now appear. But he insisted on declaring that none can ever come from the earth into heaven unless the Lord gives the power to someone to admit them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3648

3648. Such being his quality, I conversed with him on various topics, as concerning Peter and his keys, which he thought he had; and so exceedingly gross were his ideas respecting these keys, that he had represented [to himself] as it were a gate leading into heaven to which he applied a key in order to open it. He said that the keys were given him by Peter, and that he would open it gratis to the poor, but as to the rich they would be estimated [and dealt with] according to their ability to give; for that they should give was a holy duty. Being asked whether he believed that those whom he introduced would remain there, he said that this he did not know; if they did not, they might go out. Moreover he wished to humble himself saying that he was nothing, because they [are accustomed to] call themselves the servants of servants, when yet, as I think was said to them at the time, they arrogate to themselves all power.

3648 1/2. It was moreover said, that they could not know whether those whom they admitted were worthy, as they might be robbers, and those destined [by their life] to hell; but he replied that this did not at all concern him; if they were not worthy they might be cast out. As to what is to be understood by the keys of Peter, it was given to say to him, that faith was signified by Peter, and because none but the Lord gives faith, thus the Lord alone admits to heaven, and Peter does not now appear [in the matter]. But he insisted, saying that no one can ever come from the earth into heaven, unless the Lord grants the power to some man of admitting him.

Experientiae Spirituales 3648 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3648. Cum eo loquutus, cum talis, de variis, ut de Petro, et ejus clavibus [Matth. XVI: 19], quas putabat habere, et talem crassam ideam habebat de clavibus, ut repraesentaret sicut januam in coelum, cui inserebat clavem, ut aperiret; dicebat quod sibi datae sint claves Petri, et quod aperiret gratis pauperibus, sed qui divites sunt, aestimarentur, quantum dare possent, nam quod darent, hoc sanctum esset; interrogatus, num crederet, quod quos intromittit, remaneant, dixit, quod hoc non sciat, si non, quod inde exeant; praeterea se humiliare volebat dicens quod nihil esset, quia servos servorum se vocant, cum -- [quod] ut reor [ei] dictum - tamen

3648 1/2. sibi vindicant omnem potestatem: porro dicebatur, quod ii non possint scire an digni sint, quos intromittunt, forte praedones, et qui erunt in inferno, respondit, quod hoc nihil curet, si non digni, quod inde queant emitti; sed quid per claves Petri intellegatur, ei dicere dabatur, quod sit fides per Petrum significata, et quia nullus dat fidem quam Dominus, sic quod Dominus Solus admittat in coelum: et quod Petrus non appareat nunc; sed insistebat dicens, quod nusquam aliquis e terra in coelum venire possit, nisi Dominus det potestatem homini cuidam, ut is intro-

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