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《灵界经历》 第3653节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3653

3653. There is a constant endeavor with inward evil spirits toward killing people

I was on the street and saw knives and by a fantasy the suggestion was brought on that they would cut my throat with the knives, because evil spirits imagine in fantasy that they are engaged in the act they fantasize. Therefore a multitude of them rushed forth with violence and tried to bury their knives in my throat, thus seizing the least opportunity of killing. Speaking with them I showed them that while they are driven by the constant endeavor to kill me, they are withheld from doing so by the Lord, so that they hardly knew they were making the attempt. But when the restraint is relaxed, they at once rush to it, as they confessed with shame. 1748, 22 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3653


I was in a street and saw a number of knives, and a phantasy was induced that with these knives they would cut my throat; for evil spirits are such that in phantasy they think themselves actually to do [what they are inclined to do]. Wherefore a multitude of them rushed violently forth, and endeavored to point the knives at my throat, this laying hold of the slightest pretext to put me to death. I spoke with them, and it was shown that their perpetual effort was to kill me, but they were restrained by the Lord, so that they scarcely knew that they made the attempt: but as soon as ever the restraint is relaxed, they rush on [again in their murderous design], which with shame they confessed. -l748, October 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 3653 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3653. Quod conatus malorum spirituum interiorum sit ad occidendum hominem

Eram in platea et videbam cultros, et per phantasiam inducebatur, quod cultris jugularent me, quia spiritus mali tales sunt, ut in phantasia, putant se esse in actu, quare eruebant multi cum violentia, et cultros jugulo meo fundere conati, ita arripientes occasionem minimam occidendi, loquutum cum iis, et ostensum quod conatus eorum perpetuus sit me occidendi, sed quod detineantur a Domino, ita ut vix sciant quod conentur, sed illico cum remittitur vinculum, ruunt, quod cum pudore confessi. 1748, 22 Oct.

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