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《灵界经历》 第3652节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3652

3652. But they end up being held in the lower earth, with the most ardent desire to come into heaven - for they imagine heaven to be on high. So their detention in the lower earth kindles their anxieties, and these anxieties after a period of time increase to the point of innermost anguish, so that they live on in extreme distress, until they recognize that they are not holy. Finally, when they are taken out of these, they appear to themselves so excremental that a strong stench like dung is perceived, one stronger than which does not emanate from others. One such spirit spoke with me at my right ear, and admitted it. 1748, 22 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3652

3652. But the issue with such is, that they are kept in the lower earth though prompted by the most ardent desire to enter heaven, for they think that heaven is on high, wherefore their detention in the lower earth inflames their anxieties which after a time become so increased, that they become most intensely anxious, and thus spend their life in anguish, till they come to know that they are not holy [or saints]; and when at length they are exempted [from that distress], they appear to themselves excrementitious to a degree that is not perceived of others. A certain one of that description spoke with me in the right ear, and confessed the fact to be so. -l748, October 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 3652 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3652. Sed exitus eorum est, quod teneantur in inferiori terra, in maxima cupidine ut in coelum veniant, nam coelum putant in alto esse, quare quod in inferiore terra, accendit eorum anxietates, quae anxietates post temporis moram ita augentur, ut intime anxii fiant, sic vitam in summa anxietate agunt, usque dum cognoscant, quod non sancti sunt, et tandem cum inde eximuntur, sibi apparent excrementitii, taliter ut foetor excrementitius sentiatur gravis, quo gravior non apud alios, quidam talis mecum locutus est ad aurem dextram, et fassus. 1748, 22 Oct.

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