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《灵界经历》 第3660节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3660

3660. While he was imagining he had now subdued heaven, he still feared to go farther, that is, to the right, where the good inward spirits begin. He knew from former experience that he could not stand their aura, but sill, impassioned by his persuasion he rushed at them, and there he was stopped, and began to choke and to smell a cadaverous stench, until he could stand it no longer, and it seemed to him that if he advanced farther, he would perish. So he was thrown down from there into the earth of lower beings. He realized that this had very often happened before, and that he had thus been cast down as soon as he came into the realm of angelic spirits.

[2] I gather from this that when he is in that state of persuasion as if the Lord has been bound by him, he then dares to go in that direction, and that this was the reason why he advanced that far - but that still, it turned out miserably for him there, and he called it, or the heaven of the Lord, hell. This is because when he arrived there, he came into dreadful torments, because into an aura contrary to adulteries and cruelty; but when he came into the earth of lower beings, he was suddenly projected upwards, due to some persuasion or other, either to test once more whether or not he thought that the Lord had been bound by him, or to attempt to occupy heaven.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3660

3660. When he supposed he had thus subjugated heaven, he yet feared to advance farther, namely to the right, where the interior good spirits bean [to appear], because he knew from former experience, that he could not sustain their sphere. But yet from that persuasion he rushed into the cupidity of his persuasion, and was there held, when he began to be pained, and to be sensible of a cadaverous stench, which he was so little able to bear that it seemed to him that he would perish if he advanced farther; wherefore he was thence cast down into the lower earth. It was perceived also that the same thing had frequently happened to him before, as soon as he came within the sphere of angelic spirits. I perceived from this that while he is in the persuasion that the Lord is bound by him, he then dared to approach, and that this [phantasy] was the cause of his going thither; but yet from his suffering so miserably when there, he called it, i. e. the heaven of the Lord, hell, inasmuch as when coming there he came into direful tortures, because into a sphere contrary to adultery and cruelty. But when he reached the lower earth he was suddenly projected upwards, from some kind of persuasion, but whether that he again wished to attempt heaven with a view to its occupation, because he supposed the Lord to be bound by him, I know not.

Experientiae Spirituales 3660 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3660. Cum putaret se coelum tunc subjugavisse, timuit tamen ulterius ire, nempe ad dextrum, ubi incipiunt boni spiritus interiores, quia ab experientia priori novit, quod non sustinere posset sphaeram eorum; sed usque in cupiditate ab persuasione illuc ruebat, et ibi detinebatur, tunc incepit angi, et sentire foetorem cadaverosum, ut non amplius sustineret; si ulterius perrexisset, visum ei quod periret; quare inde dejectus est in terram inferiorum, perceptum quod prius saepius ita factum, quodque sic dejectus, utprimum in sphaeram spirituum angelicorum veniret; percipio ab eo, quod dum in persuasione ea est, quod Dominus ab eo vinctus, quod tunc ausit illuc ire, et quod [hoc] causa fuerit, quod eo perrexerit, sed usque quod miserabiliter ibi ei [evenerit], vocabat illud, seu coelum Domini, infernum, quia cum ibi venit, in diros cruciatus venit, quia in sphaeram contrariam adulteriis, et crudelitati, sed cum in inferiorum terram, subito projectus est superius, ex quanam persuasione [non scio], num [ex ea,] ut iterum vellet tentari, quin putaret Dominum vinctum ab eo esse, [ita] ut tentet occupare coelum.

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