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《灵界经历》 第3661节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3661

3661. What the persuasion is like of those who ambition to be worshiped as god when they are in that persuasion that they are gods, it was also granted me to find out: I had a pleasant feeling especially in the region of the left side of my chest. It was also communicated to me that such a pleasure is felt in the region of the chest and spreads from there by way of the left nipple toward the genital member. For the persuasion that one is god or that one is the highest, and irresistible, is accompanied by this kind of pleasant feeling.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3661

3661. It was also given me to perceive what is the quality of the persuasion of those who aim to be worshipped as gods, and [what their sensations] when in the persuasion that they actually are gods; namely, a pleasurable sensation chiefly about the left breast. It was communicated to me that such a sensation, is experienced first about the breast, and extends itself thence through the left papilla towards the genitalia, for the persuasion that one is a god, or supreme, so that nothing can resist him, has with it this kind of pleasurable sense.

Experientiae Spirituales 3661 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3661. Qualis persuasio eorum est, qui se pro deo coli ambiunt, et cum in persuasione quod dii sint, dabatur quoque mihi percipere, jucundum sentitum circa pectus imprimis sinistrum; quod circa pectus jucunditas talis percipiatur, et inde se per papillam sinistram versus membrum genitale extendat, etiam communicatum, nam persuasio quod deus, seu quod summus, ita ut nihil ei resistere possit, talem jucunditatem secum habet.

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