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《灵界经历》 第3680节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3680

3680. About the dispersion of treacherous schemers

Last night when I was asleep certain ones above my head were scheming and had planned a deadly crime, supposing that something I had done during my life might be uncovered, and that when it was detected they would at once fall upon me. For it is their view that if they detect any evil thing in people, they have permission to destroy them. But this was something that had happened in my dreams, I believe, many years ago, nor do I know whether it is something belonging to a spirit who is possessing me as his.

When I was asleep and those cunning schemers were hatching their plot, I suddenly awoke and saw in a faint light above my forehead something flattened, as they were rushing to destroy me - for now was the time, and they were actually bringing on their fantasy - I felt a strong wind, which suddenly fell upon them and dispersed them in a moment. Who they were, and whither they were cast, the spirits conjectured one after another, but that they were dispelled in this way from the societies and miserably dealt with, I was aware. For when they are expelled so suddenly, they can scarcely keep possession of their senses. So they are tortured miserably.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3680


Tonight while asleep certain spirits were acting insidiously above my head, and plotting a pernicious scheme of villainy, on the supposition that something which I had done during my life might be detected, and designing, when it was detected, to rush violently upon me; for their opinion is, that if they detect any evil in a man, they have all license to destroy him. The thing in question was something that had happened in my dreams, I think many years before, and I know not but it was brought about by the spirit who now appropriates me as his. While those deceitful insidiators were thus strenuously acting in my sleep, I suddenly awoke, and saw above the forehead, in a certain kind of light, something feathered, and immediately upon their rushing forward to destroy me for their inducing the lively phantasy [just mentioned] was a signal that now was the time - a vehement wind was felt, which falling suddenly upon them, dispelled them in a moment. Who they were, and whither they were cast, the spirits [with me], one after another conjectured, but that they were thus dispersed from societies and miserably dealt with, was perceived by me; for while thus suddenly driven from society, they could scarcely retain their senses, wherefore they were miserably tormented.

Experientiae Spirituales 3680 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3680. De dissipatione insidiantium

Hac nocte, cum in somno essem, insidiati sunt quidam supra caput, et exitiabile facinus moliti, sic ut cum aliquid ut putarunt, detegeretur, quod in vita putabant me patravisse, cum detectum, illico irruerent, nam talis est eorum opinio, si aliquid malum in homine detegunt, quod licentiam habeant eum perdendi, sed erat quoddam, quod in somniis ante plures, ut reor annos, acciderat, nec scio, annon spiritus sit, qui me adpropriat ut ejus: illi insidiatores dolosi, cum in somno essem, et ii in tali molimine, subito expergefactus, supra frontem videbam in aliqua luce aliquid plumatum, et illico, cum irruerent et perderent, nam tunc tempus erat, et inducebant ad vivum phantasiam suam, sentitus ventus vehemens, qui allapsus subito, qui eos momento dispelleret; quinam fuerunt, et quo conjecti, spiritus augurati sunt, unus post alterum, sed quod dissipati sic e societatibus, et sic misere tractati, mihi perceptum, nam dum e societate tam subito expelluntur, vix sui compotes possunt esse, quare tunc misere cruciati.

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