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《灵界经历》 第3679节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3679

3679. Concerning a dog

During sleep a dog appeared, a black one, which was first let in like a pet dog, and when it spied something bony on which was some skin of another dog, it was disgusted, whereupon it was let in and not considered as evil. But later it was said that it had eaten the bones of another dog, then became disgusted, even though it wanted to approach.

On awakening I asked whether someone had turned into a dog, so as actually to be one. Finally it was said that someone had, who also spoke, up. it was told of him that he was the kind to allow himself willingly to impersonate others, as for instance David, and thus would not only act out their personalities, but even their disgraceful actions and it was told, not only those of David, but of anyone at all, in such a real way as if he were the person.

Such people, especially those who impersonate disgraceful persons, afterwards become such that they do not know otherwise but that they are those persons, persuading not only themselves but also others that they are. These are portrayed by dogs who gnaw on the bones of other dogs. 1748, 24 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3679


A black dog appeared in my sleep, which was first admitted as a domestic dog, and when he saw anything bony, whereon was the skin of another dog, he disdained it, whence also admitted, and not regarded as evil. But it was afterwards said that he had eaten the bones of another dog, from which he was loathed, though he wished to approach. Upon awakening I inquired if anyone had been turned into a dog, so as actually to become one; it was at length replied, that there was such an one, who also himself affirmed it. It was said of him that he was of such a quality as freely to suffer the persons of others to be induced upon him, as for instance that of David; and thus he would not only [represent and] act out their persons, but also their shameful deeds; and it was said that he became such, from the actual life not only of David, but of any other one [whom he personated]. Those of this description, especially when they suffer infamous persons to be induced upon them, after a while become such that they know no otherwise than that they are the very persons, and thus persuade not themselves only, but others, that they are such. These are they that are represented by dogs which eat the bones of other dogs. -l748, October 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 3679 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3679. De cane

In somno visus canis, niger, qui primum admissus, sicut canis domesticus, et cum vidit aliquid osseum in quo cutis alius canis, fastidivit, inde quoque admissus et non pro malo habitus; sed postea dictum quod ossa alterius canis comederit, tunc fastiditus est, tametsi accedere vellet; evigilatus quaesivi num aliquis in canem versus sit, sic ut canis fuerit, dictum tandem, quod quidam esset, qui quoque loquutus; de quo dictum, quod talis sit, ut patiatur libenter induci sibi alias personas, sicut Davidis; et sic agere eorum non solum personas, sed etiam flagitia; et dictum quod non solum Davidis, sed cujuscunque alius, ea a ctualitate, quod talis fuerit; tales, cumprimis qui flagitiosas personas sibi induci patiuntur, postmodum sunt tales, ut non sciant aliter quam quod personae istae sint, et sic non solum sibi sed etiam aliis persuadeant, quod ii: tales sunt, qui repraesentantur [per] canes, qui aliorum canum ossa corradunt. 1748, 25 Oct. 111

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