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《灵界经历》 第3694节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3694

3694. This shows what a life of conviction is, when one is convinced of the truths or higher knowledge of faith, one then has a life of light, that is, a life of understanding, which life is diverse depending on the convictions one has acquired respecting matters of faith. When we have a conviction regarding the higher knowledge or truths of faith, we have still only a life of light. A life of light cannot enter into the life of love, because it is inverted, for from the life of love is born the life of conviction. One who has the life of love comes into the higher knowledge of faith, and all the least things go to confirm it.

But those who have only the life of conviction cannot on that account have the life of love, because the character of their life of love is nothing but evil, and therefore that life is entirely repugnant. This is the reason that the character or nature, thus the life of lusts, must first be purged away, before anyone can come into heaven. For the life of light cannot introduce anyone into heaven, where nothing but mutual love prevails. 1748, 25 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3694

3694. Hence it appears what is the life of persuasion, to wit, that then a man is persuaded concerning the truths or knowledges of faith, that he then has the life of light, that is, intellectual life, which life is diverse according to the persuasions of the things which the man has conceived respecting faith. When he is in the persuasion of the knowledges or truths of faith, he is still as yet in nothing more than the life of light, and the life of light cannot enter into the life of love, because this is an inversion; for from the life of love springs the life of persuasions, as he that is in the life of love is in the knowledges of faith, and everything goes to confirm it; but he who is only in the life of persuasion cannot thereby be in the life of love, because the nature [or character] which is the life of that love, is nothing else but evil, wherefore that form of life is altogether repugnant. This is the reason that the character or nature, thence the life of cupidities, is first to be destroyed before anyone can come into heaven; for the mere life of light cannot introduce anyone into heaven, where there is nothing but mutual love. - 1748, October 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 3694 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3694. Inde constat, quid persuasionis vita, quod cum persuasus sit homo de veritatibus seu cognitionibus fidei, quod tunc habeat vitam lucis, hoc est vitam intellectualem, quae vita diversa est secundum persuasiones eorum quae de fide concepit homo; cum in persuasione est cognitionum aut veritatum fidei, usque tamen non est nisi in vita lucis, et vita lucis non potest intrare in vitam amoris, quia hoc inversum est, nam ex vita amoris nascitur vita persuasionum, nam qui in amoris vita, is est in cognitionibus fidei, et singula confirmant, at qui solum est in persuasionis vita, non ideo potest esse in amoris vita, quia indoles quae est ejus amoris vita, non est nisi malum, quare ea vita prorsus repugnat: quae causa est, quod indoles seu natura, proinde vita cupiditatum, devastanda prius sit, antequam in coelum venire quis possit, nam vita lucis non introducere aliquem in coelum potest, ubi nihil est nisi amor mutuus. 1748, 25 Oct.

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