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《灵界经历》 第3695节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3695

3695. Those who have conviction regarding the true faith, have that from the Lord, for it is a tenet of true faith that there is no faith except from the Lord. So they cannot come to a conviction of faith except from the Lord. Then because they have this from the Lord, also mercy is granted them by the Lord, and thus there is conjunction. Therefore, whatever is of the Lord is conjoined to Him, because it is from Him, even though their character or nature is nothing but evil, and it is also a matter of true faith not only to know this, but also to be convinced of it - consequently of the fact that they are saved out of mercy.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3695

3695. Those who are in the persuasion of true faith, have that [gift] from the Lord, for it is a part of true faith that there is no faith except from the Lord, wherefore they cannot come into the persuasion of faith except from the Lord. Then because [he receives this] from the Lord, mercy also is granted him from the Lord, and thus there is conjunction. Wherefore whatever is of the Lord [in its own nature] this is conjoined to Him, because from Him, although his [the man's] nature or character is [intrinsically] nothing but evil; and this it is the province of true faith not only to know, but to be persuaded respecting it, and thence that he is saved through mercy.

Experientiae Spirituales 3695 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3695. Qui in persuasione verae fidei sunt, a Domino illud habent, nam fidei verae est, quod nulla fides nisi a Domino, quare in persuasionem fidei non venire possunt nisi a Domino; tunc quia a Domino, etiam misericordia ei datur, a Domino, ita est conjunctio; quare quicquid est Domini hoc conjungitur Ipsi, quia ab Ipso, tametsi indoles seu natura ejus nihil est nisi malum, quod etiam est verae fidei non solum hoc scire, sed etiam de eo persuasus esse; proinde quod a misericordia salvetur.

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