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《灵界经历》 第3698节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3698

3698. An answer is reflected

One from among the spirits said something to me out of indignation, and he seemed to me to reply instantaneously, and declared that I had answered yes, but I told him that I had not, but that he received the reply as he spoke. When he still thought that it came from me, the other spirits one after another said it was from them, and then 3, 4 or 5 in a row. This showed how all and the very least things said are reflected back, and how there is an order of all things, so that there is immediate response or it is reflected back as he had spoken.

It is similar in the case of evil, which is reflected back from the community upon him who intends or does evil. 1748, 25 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3698


A certain spirit above the head said something to me from a prompting of indignation, and on the instant he [also] seemed to me to answer. He however said, that it was I who thus answered; but it was given to say to him that it was not I, but that he himself had returned an answer as well as spoken. When he still supposed that the answer came from me, other spirits one after another said that it was from them, and thus three, four, or five in order. Thence it appeared how all and singular things are reflected, and what kind of order there is of all things, that an answer should be immediately returned or reflected, according as one had spoken. In like manner it is with evil, which is reflected from the commune upon him who intends or does evil. - 1748, October 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 3698 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3698. Quod reflectatur responsum

Quidam e spiritibus supra caput ex indignatione quid mihi dixit, et respondere mihi visus in instanti, dixit quod ita responderem, sed dicere ei datum, quod non ego, sed responsum ferat sicut loquutus; cum putaret usque ex me, spiritus alii unus post alterum dixerunt, quod a se, et sic ordine 3, 4 vel 5, inde constabat, quomodo omnia et singula reflectuntur, et qualis omnium est ordo, ut respondeatur illico, seu reflectatur sicut loquutus; similiter se habet ac malum quod reflectitur a communi in eum qui malum intendit seu malum facit. 1748, 25 Oct.

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