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《灵界经历》 第3704节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3704

3704. Those who constitute the outer skin are the kind who in the world allow themselves to be persuaded easily and lack the mental scope to be able to judge whether something is true or false, good or evil, the kinds and species of which are numerous - as for example, letting themselves be easily deceived by simulated love toward little children, or a simulated marriage love, on the outside. These are the ones who constitute that skin of the provinces of the genital members. Those who allow themselves to be deceived by simulated compassion are they who constitute the skin of the thorax, and so on. That skin does have that quality, for it is deceived by external stimuli.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3704

3704. Those that constitute the external skin are, in the world, such as easily suffer themselves to be persuaded, and are destitute of that expansion of mind which would enable them to judge whether a thing be true or false, good or evil; wherefore the classes, general and specific, are numerous; [some of them, for instance], being easily deceived by a counterfeit love towards infants, and some by a counterfeit conjugial love, [judging solely] from externals. These are such as constitute the skin of the provinces of the genitalia. Those that easily suffer themselves to be led by a feigned compassion, are such as constitute the skin of the thorax, and so on. Such a kind of skin is of similar quality, for it suffers itself to be deceived by external soothing appliances.

Experientiae Spirituales 3704 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3704. Qui cutem externam constituunt, sunt tales in mundo, qui se facile persuaderi patiuntur, nec extensionem intellectus habent, ut possint judicare num verum aut falsum, bonum aut malum, quorum genera et species plures sunt, ut qui simulato amore erga infantes, simulato amore conjugiali, se patiuntur facile decipi, ab externis, ii sunt qui cutem istam provinciarum membrorum genitalium constituunt: qui facile se decipi simulata misericordia patiuntur, sunt ii qui cutem thoracis, et sic porro: cutis etiam talis talis est, nam se per mulcimenta externa patitur decipi.

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