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《灵界经历》 第3707节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3707

3707. Also among the magical arts she practiced was this, that she would take away something true or good declared by me, so that others would not hear it, and substitute something false or evil in its place. For instance, when I spoke of adulteries and Gehenna, for Gehenna she at once substituted a white light, so that they would not know what I was saying. This also is magical, that is, to take away the mental imagery of another so that it would not reach the societies to which it is directed, and to substitute things opposite. 1748, 26 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3707

3707. Among the magical arts which she practiced was this, namely, that whatever of true or good was uttered by me, she would take it away, so that others should not hear it, and would substitute in place of it something false or evil. As when, for instance, I spoke of adulteries and of Gehenna, she immediately for Gehenna substituted a white light, so that they might not know what I said. This also is magical, namely, to take away the ideas of another, so as to prevent their coming to the societies to which they are directed, and then to substitute things [entirely] contrary.

Experientiae Spirituales 3707 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3707. Inter magicas etiam artes, quas exercuit, etiam erat, quod verum aut bonum a me dictum, abstulerit, ut non audirent, et loco ejus substituit falsum aut malum, sicut cum de adulteriis et Gehenna loquutum, pro Gehenna substituit illico lucem candidam, sic ut nescirent, quid dicerem; hoc quoque magicum est, nempe auferre alius ideas, ne veniant ad societates, ad quas diriguntur, et substituere contraria. 1748, 26 Oct.

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