3706. The reasoners are of two kinds, as said. They are those who do not know what is true and good, and consequently reason about truth and goodness, and the more they argue, the less they know. And the other kind are they who argue against truth and goodness, which they are thus attempting to destroy.
But those who stand up for truths in discussion are not reasoners, but confirmers, such as have an inward sight of truth and goodness, and confirm them by means of reasons. 1748, 26 Oct.
3706. Those that are [thus] addicted to reasoning are of a two-fold class, as was said, namely, one which does not know what the true and the good is, and thus, though they reason concerning everything true and good, yet the more they reason, the less they know. The other [is composed of] those who reason against the true and the good, and thus endeavor to destroy them. Those who defend truths by discoursing are not reasoners, but confirmators; such are in the perception of truth and good, and confirm them rationally. - 1748, October 26.
3706. Qui ratiocinantur sunt duplicis generis, ut dictum, nempe qui non sciunt quid verum et bonum, et sic de omni vero et bono ratiocinantur, et quo magis ratiocinantur, eo minus sciunt; alterum est, qui ratiocinantur contra verum et bonum, quod destruere sic conantur; qui autem defendunt veritates loquendo, non sunt ratiocinatores, sed sunt confirmatores, tales in perceptione veri et boni sunt, et per rationes confirmant. 1748, 26 Oct.