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《灵界经历》 第3709节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3709

3709. As for little children who are brought back into a life not acquired by their actions, but stemming from heredity, the fact is that there are dominant passions into which they are born, and in order that these may diminish, so to speak, or that they may develop an abhorrence for them so that they abstain from them, they are let into such a life, but this especially so that they may be informed that there is with them nothing but evil. Otherwise they would suppose that because they have no evils in act, they were perfect. 1748, 26 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3709

3709. As to what pertains to infants, who are not remitted into a life acquired by actuality, but one flowing from hereditary [qualities], the case is this; that the cupidities are dominant which are connate, and in order that these may be diminished, as it were, or that a horror may be inspired in regard to them, and that thus they may be abstained from, they are let into such a life, more especially with a view to their being informed that with them there is nothing but evil; as otherwise they would suppose that inasmuch as they had not actual evil, they were therefore perfect. - 1748, October 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 3709 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3709. Quod infantes attinet, qui quoque in vitam non actualitate acquisitam, sed ex haereditario fluentem, remittuntur, se res habet ita, quod dominantes sint cupiditates, quae conatae, quae ut diminuantur quasi, vel pro iis horrorem contrahant, et sic abstineantur, mittuntur in talem vitam; tum praecipue ut informentur, quod apud eos nihil nisi malum, aliter putarent, quod quia [non] actuale malum apud eos, quod essent perfecti. 1748, 26 Oct.

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