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《灵界经历》 第3710节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3710

3710. Continuation about sirens

Also among their magical arts there was that of inspiring others with anger, and other emotions, together with the powerful persuasion to kill each other. For they know that they cannot die, and when they have persuaded someone to do such a thing, they think they have him in their power as a murderer, thus accusing and exposing him. Moreover nothing exists, whether good or evil, true or false, on which they do not keep their eye so as to be able to turn it to their own advantage, thus into magic, so that no others pay sharper attention, for only such things interest them. Therefore they eagerly seize upon the truths and goods of faith, but only with the motive of deceiving others. So neither can they learn what is true, good, holy - for they corrupt and profane them. 1748. 26 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3710


Among the magical arts was also this, that they would inspire others with wrath and like passions, with a power of persuasion prompting them to kill each other, for they know that they cannot die, and when they have induced upon one such a persuasion, they think that they have power over him as a homicide, so as to accuse him and divulge [his crime]. Moreover nothing exists, whether good or bad, true or false, as to which they do not aim to turn it to their own advantage, thus to a magical [use], so that no others have a more watchful regard [to such ends], upon which alone they are [continually] intent; wherefore they seize the truths of faith, and goods, but solely with the purpose of deceiving others. Thus they cannot learn what is true, good, and holy, for they pervert and profane [everything]. - 1748, October 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 3710 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3710. Continuatio de sirenibus

Inter magicas artes etiam hoc fuit, quod inspirent aliis iram, et plura, cum efficacia persuasionis, ut semet occidant, sciunt enim quod mori nequeant, et cum persuaserint alicui tale, putant sic jus in eum habere, quia homicida, ita accusando eum, et divulgando. Praeterea nihil existit, cui non intendunt, sive bonum sive malum, sive verum sive falsum, ut possint vertere hoc in sui commodum, sic in magicum, sic ut alii non attentiorem visum habeant, nam student solum talibus; quare vera fidei et bona arripiunt, sed solum fine decipiendi alios: ita nec possunt discere quid verum, bonum, sanctum, nam pervertunt et prophanant. 1748, 26 Oct.

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