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《灵界经历》 第3717节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3717

3717. If people are of this character, then they are inwardly obsessed by such sirens, which obsession prevails at this day, whereas with the Jews and at the time of the Lord there was outer obsession. Let people consider whether they are such, for now it can be known. I am speaking from experience, for I have conversed a great deal with them, I have felt their inflow with all my senses, and their efforts, and been given to know and to feel the processes of their action.

[2] Besides these I have experienced many, many other particulars, that cannot all be mentioned, for they operate inwardly, and very many particulars were shown to me by means of displays, such as what their fantasies are like, which were not permitted to reach me because they were dreadful and horror-provoking. These were almost all shown by symbolic portrayals, such as when they wanted to enter into my inward regions: they would stretch out naked on their backs above my head, rolling to the right, to the left, curling up between my feet, turn upside down, with the head down and feet up, and so on, all of which are their dreadful magical, pythonic and wicked fantasies, which were not allowed to reach me lest they should stick to my memory and then be seen by other spirits. There were many more tricks that they performed among themselves that were not seen, but were only heard, for the same reason.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3717

3717. Let a man thoroughly consider whether he is of such a quality, for he is now able to know. I speak from experience, for I conversed much with them; I felt their influx in all my sensation, and it was given me to know and perceive their endeavors, and the processes by which they act, besides a multitude of other particulars which cannot [here] be recited, for they act interiorly, and very many things were shown me solely by representations, as [for instance] what the quality was of their phantasies, which were not permitted to reach me, because so direful and horrible. These were almost wholly shown by representations, as when they wished to enter into my interiors, they would extend themselves naked upon their backs above my head, would roll themselves to the right and to the left, would curve themselves between their feet, would invert themselves with their head downwards, and their feet upwards, and so on, all which are their direful, magical, pythonic, and detestable phantasies, which were not allowed to infest me that that they might not cleave to my memory, and thus be seen by spirits. Besides these there were many other things done among themselves, which were not seen, but only heard, for the same reason.

Experientiae Spirituales 3717 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3717. talia cupiat, et patret, si homo talis, tunc obsidetur intus a sirenibus talibus, quae obsessio hodie est, cum apud Judaeos et tempore Domini obsessio externa: expendat homo num talis sit, nam scire nunc potest; ab experientia loquor, nam cum iis loquutus multum, earum influxus sensi, omni sensu, et conatus earum, et processus quomodo agunt, scire, et sentire mihi datum; praeter perplurima, quae memorari non possunt, nam interius agunt, et perplura mihi solum per repraesentationes ostensa sunt, sicut quales earum phantasiae sunt, quae ad me non admissae, quia dirae et sic horrendae, quae omnes fere ostensae per repraesentationes inde, sicut cum intrare vellent in interiora mea, quod se nudas supinaverint supra caput, se convolverent dextrorsus, sinistrorsus, se incurvaverint inter pedes, se inverterint capite deorsum et pedibus sursum, et sic porro, quae omnes sunt dirae earum magicae, pythonicae, et nefandae phantasiae, quae ad me non admissae sunt, ne memoriae inhaererent, et sic alii spiritus ea viderent; praeter quod plura non visa, quae facta inter se, sed modo audita, ob eandem causam.

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