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《灵界经历》 第3718节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3718


They were in my presence for the whole night, engrossed in fantasy, in order to occupy my memory, holding their mental imagery in such things, thinking they could thus push their way in to possess me - thus as with others to possess the inward regions. I noticed their stubbornness, surprised at how great it was, but their obstinate fantasy was indescribable. But this also occurred while I slept, for they like to act when one is asleep, as also when one is awake. They do this especially so as to loose all inner restraints.

3718. 1/2. But it was portrayed to me that they were chased away by naked red horses on which sat small naked riders, and they were carried from in front toward the hind parts. Later it was shown where they went, namely, that while they imagine they are penetrating toward the inner regions, and in fact the regions of the brain, they are carried there along excremental passages - I thought by way of the mucus into the nostrils, but it was not along that way, but by way of the pores of the skull-bone toward the outer scalp.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3718

3718. They were with me in phantasy during the whole night, so as to occupy my memory, holding their ideas in such things, and thus thinking that they would press on and obtain possession, just as with others they would possess the interiors. I observed a [persevering] obstinacy which was so great as to excite my wonder; but their obstinate phantasy cannot be described. This occurred while I was asleep, for they are prompted to act while man sleeps, as well as when he is awake. They do this especially in order that they may loose all internal bonds.

3718 1/2. But that they would be driven away was represented by naked reddish colored horses, on which sat small naked [riders] of the same hue, and they were conveyed from the anterior towards the posterior parts. It was afterwards shown whither they went; namely, when they think themselves to be penetrating towards the interiors, and indeed to the things which are of the brain, they are borne there through certain foul passages. I supposed it was through the passage of the mucus into the nostrils, but it was not through that passage, but through the pores of the skull-bone to the external cuticle, and it seemed that such from the anterior part were carried in a mass into a certain filthy sphere, as into a soft slough, but consisting of dissolved garbage,

Experientiae Spirituales 3718 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3718. Apud me per totam noctem in phantasia erant, ut memoriam meam occuparent, tenentes ideas suas in talibus, et sic putantes se inurgere posse, ut possiderent, ita sicut apud alios possiderent interiora, obstinaciam observabam, quae tanta erat ut miratus, sed phantasia earum obstinax non describi potest; sed et hoc cum dormirem, nam agere cupiunt cum homo dormit, sicut etiam cum vigilat; id

3718b. imprimis faciunt, ut solvant omnia vincula interna; sed repraesentatum mihi quod abigerentur per equos nudos rubentes, quibus insidebant nudi parvi rubentes, et ferebantur ab anteriori versus posteriora: postea ostensum quo vaderent, nempe cum versus interiora penetrare se putant, et quidem in ea quae sunt cerebri, feruntur ibi per vias excrementitias; putabam per viam muci in nares, sed non erat per eam viam, sed per poros ossis cranii versus cutem externam, et visum quod tales a par

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