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《灵界经历》 第372节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 372

372. The human power of reasoning and understanding can be diminished, and even taken away from a person or soul, at the good pleasure of God the Messiah [see also 326]

From revealing Experience, I have learned that souls can be deprived almost entirely, or partially, of their reasoning and understanding abilities, and likewise have them restored again; for the understanding and reasoning faculty is a gift of God the Messiah Alone. When the reasoning and understanding abilities are taken away, the souls are devils, and they act only from a kind of natural instinct, and just as if in sleep. When these abilities are restored to them, they do not know but that they had been asleep. These facts were demonstrated over a period of many days.

When understanding has been taken away, they behave in that state in accordance with the evil rooted in them - each one according to the nature of their root, and to be sure, against order, against heaven, and its truths. In short, they are devils of diverse qualities.

It was visibly shown that it was taken away from them, as were their natural instincts afterwards. These are not like the instincts of brute animals, but issue from the diabolic impulse to strive continually against things spiritual and heavenly, and to think they have power, and do everything, from themselves. 1747, the 21st day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 372


I have been taught from manifest experience that the rational and intellectual of souls can be taken away from them almost wholly or in part, and in like manner be restored to them again; for the intellectual and the rational is a gift of God Messiah alone. When the rational and the intellectual is taken away, the souls are then devils and act only from a certain natural instinct, and indeed as if in sleep; when it is restored, they know no otherwise than that they have been in sleep. These things were shown for many days. In that state, when the intellectual has been taken away, they act according to their inrooted evil, each one according to the quality of the root, and indeed contrary to order in contrary to heaven and its truths; in a word, they are devils of diverse quality. That this intellectual was taken away from them was very clearly shown, and afterwards their natural instincts, which are not like the instincts of brutes, but from something diabolical. It was also shown that they continually act against spiritual and celestial things, and they then suppose that they are able from themselves to do all things. 1747, Dec. 326.


1. In the margin: "See earlier 326." However, there is some doubt whether the handwriting here is Swedenborg's.

Experientiae Spirituales 372 (original Latin 1748-1764)

372. Quod rationale ac intellectuale hominis diminui, et quoque auferri homini ac animae possit, secundum beneplacitum Dei Messiae 1

Ab Experientia manifesta edoctus sum, quod animabus possit adimi fere quoad totum, et ad partem, eorum rationale et intellectuale, ac iis similiter restitui, nam intellectuale et rationale est donum Solius Dei Messiae; quum rationale et intellectuale aufertur, tunc animae sunt diaboli, et solum ex instinctu quodam naturali agunt, et quidem sicut in somno; dum iis restituitur, sciunt non aliter, quam quod in somno fuerint, haec per plures dies ostensa sunt; in statu isto, dum intellectuale ablatum est, agunt secundum radicale eorum malum, quilibet secundum qualitatem radicis, et quidem contra ordinem, contra coelum, et ejus veritates, verbo sunt diaboli diversa qualitate; quod ablatum iis sit, conspicue ostensum est, et eorum naturales instinctus postea, qui non sunt sicut brutorum instinctus, sed ex diabolico, quod continue agant contra spiritualia, et coelestia, ac putent se tunc omnia ex se posse, et agere. 1747, die 21 Dec.


1. ad sinistrum capitis manu B. Chastanier notatum vide supra 326

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