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《灵界经历》 第3720节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3720

3720. The others who steal in through the feelings, when they supposed they were passing from there toward the region of the thorax, and thence to the loins, were carried through the outer skin, as I felt, and could tell that such sirens take possession of the little pools of sweaty discharge, and how dirty they are can be seen especially by means of the microscope. These are also the hiding-places of lice. Thus they also pass between the loins, where they make their exit to dwell in the vilest excrement.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3720

3720. Others who insinuate themselves by affections, when they thence supposed that they were passing towards the region of the thorax, and thence into the loins, were brought, as I felt, through the external skin, and it was perceived that those of this quality took possession there of the little pools of fetid sweat; and how foul these are may be clearly perceived by means of microscopes; they are also the hiding places of lice. In like manner they insert themselves about the loins, and the issue is, that they dwell in the vilest filth.

Experientiae Spirituales 3720 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3720. Caeterae quae per affectiones se insinuant, cum transire se putabant inde versus regionem thoracis, et inde in lumbos, per externam cutem, quod sensi, perlatae sunt, et perceptum, quod tales possideant lacunas ibi excrementitias sudoris, quae quam foedae sint, per microscopia imprimis videri potest; quae etiam sunt latibula pediculorum; ita quoque inter lumbos, talis est earum exitus, ut in excrementitiis degant, et sordidissimis.

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