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《灵界经历》 第3719节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3719

3719. And it was observed that the ones from in front were thrown into a kind of filthy aura, like a soft ditch, containing decayed garbage, on account of its softness not appearing as anything but the filthy aura of a ditch in which they seem to dissolve when cast into it. I realized that [these passages] were what are called little caverns in the outermost scalp, where lice make their home, and where they are born and grow. That these are extremely filthy creatures is evident from the fact that they are found mostly on those who are infested by the deadly scabies, also on corpses. They are the ones who want to enter and obsess a person's knowledge and understanding, and then, by higher knowledge turned into magic, want to steal in and obsess people.

There are also such ones who can allure people to themselves by put on qualities, and fascinate them, so to speak, so as to become acceptable in their society, thus misleading them to prefer those qualities to inner ones. So people are led away from inner qualities by those sirens.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3719

3719. but which was not seen on account of the softness induced, and the sphere of sordid feculence, into which, when conveyed, they seemed to be dissolved; and it was perceived that they are the things which are called cavernulae, in the outer skin of the head, where is the abode of lice, [and the place] where they are produced and grow; which [insects] how filthy they are, may appear from the fact that they are principally found upon those who are infested with a baleful itch, and upon dead bodies. These are such as wish to enter in and obsess the scientifics and intellectuals of man, and would fain thus insinuate themselves through all kind of knowledges perverted to magic, with a view to obsess man. They are also of a like quality [in the present] life; they can allure men to themselves, and thus fascinate them with a desire of being in their society, so that they are seduced, and made to prefer [such allurements] to internal things. In this manner they are drawn away by seducers of this kind from internal things.

Experientiae Spirituales 3719 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3719. te anteriore, ingestae sint in quandam spurcam sphaeram, sicut in scrobem mollem, sed constantem ex sordibus solutis, non visis ob mollitiem aliter ac sphaera scrobis sordida, in quam illatae dissolvi videbantur, et perceptum quod sint ea quae vocantur cavernulae in extima cute capitis, ubi pediculorum est domicilium, et ubi ii nascuntur, et crescunt; quae quod spurcissima sint, constat, quia maxime apud eos qui scabie funesta obsiti, etiam apud cadavera: sunt tales qui intrare volunt et obsidere scientifica, et intellectualia hominis; et sic per omnes cognitiones versas in magias, velint se insinuare, ut obsideant homines: etiam tales in vita sunt, per externa possunt pellicere homines ad se, et sicut fascinare, ut in societate earum sint, et sic seducuntur, ut praeferant ea internis, sic ab internis per tales abducuntur.

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