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《灵界经历》 第3722节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3722

3722. I noticed that such spirits were able to arouse out of my memory all the thoughts whatsoever of a sexual nature that I have entertained ever since early childhood - so to raise them from my memory, that I could not resist, and they even declared the facts out loud. So effective is their art in comparison with that of others that not only with people on earth, but even with spirits, they could at the same time arouse out of their memory their bodily, their sexual things to the point where they complained at having them laid open. For the effectiveness of their aura is such that it pervades even to the bodily memory of spirits - something that is normally never permitted.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3722

3722. It was observed that such were able to excite from memory whatever I had thought respecting venereal things, even from infancy, and they would so excite the recollection that it could not be resisted, and they even declared the facts with a living voice. Such is their art above others, that not only with man, but even with spirits, they could at the same time excite the memory of their corporeal and venereal things, so that they complained that they were laid open among them; for the efficacy of their sphere is such that it pervades even to the corporeal memory of spirits, which otherwise is never permitted.

Experientiae Spirituales 3722 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3722. Observatum quod tales potuissent omnia quaecunque apud me cogitata fuerunt venerea, ab infantia usque, excitare e memoria, sic ut excitarent e memoria mea, nec resisti potuit, et mihi viva voce dicebant; talis est earum ars prae aliis, ut non solum apud hominem, sed etiam apud spiritus potuissent simul excitare e memoria eorum corporea, eorum venerea, adeo ut conquesti sint, quod pateant apud eos, nam efficacia sphaerae earum talis est, ut pervadat usque in memoriam corpoream spirituum, quod alioquin nusquam permittitur.

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