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《灵界经历》 第3723节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3723

3723. This they have brought with them from life in the body, where they constantly deliberated means to bind to themselves and to bewitch the minds of others for a variety of purposes, but chiefly, once they are bound up, of ruling over them and keeping them as slaves, thus subjugating human minds. Hence their aura in the other life is that of continually obsessing the inward regions of a person. This aura being so relentless had the effect in me, that they wanted to pour themselves even into my taste, causing it to seem whenever I was eating, as if it were they who were snatching the food with their hand, with their lips, and wanting to eat. This comes from the aura of inward fantasies, which portrays itself in this way, for the taste and the tongue correspond to inward qualities. 1748, 27 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3723

3723. They have contracted this from the life of the body, during which they are continually intent upon subjecting to themselves the minds of others, and thus of fascinating them, [and that] from various ends, especially that when subjected they may rule over them, and have them for slaves, thus reducing to bondage the souls of men. Thence their sphere in the other life is that of incessantly obsessing the interiors of man, which sphere had continually the effect with me of their wishing to infuse themselves into the taste, and of doing this as often as I ate, as if they would snatch with the hand [and] the lips [my food] with a disposition to eat. Such [a disposition] exists from the sphere of interior phantasies, that thus represents itself, for the taste and the tongue correspond to the interiors. - 1748, October 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 3723 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3723. Hoc a vita in corpore traxerunt, ubi animos aliorum sibi vincire, et sic fascinare jugiter cogitarent, ex variis finibus, praecipue, quando devincti sunt, iis imperandi, et pro servis habendi, ita subjugando animos hominum; inde sphaera earum in altera vita est continue obsidendi hominis interiora, quae sphaera quia continue talis effectum habuit penes me quod se in gustum quoque infundere vellent, faciendo quoties ederem, sicut ii essent qui arriperent manu, labiis, et vellent edere; tale existit a sphaera phantasiarum interiorum, quae ita se repraesentat, nam gustus et lingua ita correspondent interioribus. 1748, 27 Oct. 127

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