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《灵界经历》 第3725节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3725

3725. When I was absorbed in these thoughts, it was said that these thoughts flow in from heaven, where the subject is not the construction of palaces, but could concern countless other things that are nevertheless portrayed in human thought as the construction of buildings and palaces. For incalculably many inward processes are comparable to the construction of buildings both in the universal case, such as the Providence of the Lord, and in countless others, as everyone may know, even that of the forming of human ideas, and numberless such cases. It follows from this that human thoughts are vessels for the reception of angelic ideas.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3725

3725. While occupied with these reflections, it was said that thoughts of this kind flowed in from heaven, where there is no reference to the building of palaces, but it might be [understood] of indefinitely various things which yet in the thought of man are represented by the construction of edifices and palaces; for innumerable interior things may be compared to such constructions, as much on a universal scale, like the Providence of the Lord, as in countless other particulars, as anyone may know that even in the ideas of men this conformity takes place, and the same of countless other things of like kind. Hence it follows that the thoughts of man are vessels recipient of angelic ideas.

Experientiae Spirituales 3725 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3725. Cum in his cogitationibus essem, dicebatur quod hae cogitationes influant e coelo, ubi non agitur de palatiis construendis, sed potuisset de indefinitis variis, quae usque in cogitatione hominis repraesentantur per constructiones aedificiorum et palatiorum: nam indefinita interiora comparabilia sunt constructionibus aedificiorum, tam in universali, sicut Providentia Domini, quam in indefinitis aliis, sicut quisque nosse potest, etiam hominis ideae ut conformentur, et talia innumerabilia. Inde sequitur quod cogitationes hominis sint vasa recipientia idearum angelicarum.

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