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《灵界经历》 第3726节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3726

3726. But the objection occurs that evils are aroused by evil spirits, and are hindered by the angels, thus that the initiatives are with the spirits and so to speak flow into heaven, where they are restrained. But it was answered, together with inner sight, that all good, which is the Lord's, flowing into the world of spirits, is turned into evil, and therefore that which flows from angelic mental imagery becomes evil with spirits, by which they arouse evils with mankind. So it does not follow that it returns into heaven, but when the Lord flows in through heaven, and evil results, He also flows into heaven or into the angels to counterbalance the evil, for because into the one, He also flows into the other. That this is true is apparent from the angels with people on earth who counterbalance and moderate the evils of spirits, who confess that the Lord compensates, even though it seems to them that they do this. Therefore also such a delicate balance is maintained in the world of spirits by the Lord, and such an order, that every single evil receives its own response, or impediment, so to speak. And if any evil should outweigh and thus prevail over [its counterpart], the world of spirits would at once be so disposed that equilibrium, and a response, would result. 1748, 26 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3726

3726. But the objection occurs, that evils are excited by evil spirits, and are hindered by the angels, thus that the beginnings are with spirits, and that they, as it were, flow-in into heaven, where they are restrained. But it was answered - and that with perception - that every good of the Lord flowing through heaven into the world of spirits is turned into evil, and thus that it is evil which flows from angelic ideas. This is evil with spirits [to wit that] by which they excite evils with man, and thus that it should return to heaven. It does not follow because the Lord flows through heaven, and thence evil [results], that he also flows into heaven or into the angels, to restrain the evil; for that that which is true in regard to the one is true in regard to the other, appears from the angels with man, who restrain and moderate the evils of spirits [and] who still confess that the Lord restrains, although it seems to them that they do it themselves; wherefore [it is that] such an equilibrium and such an order is preserved by the Lord in the world of spirits, and to every evil there is, as it were, its own counterpart, or impediment, and if evil should preponderate and thus prevail, that the world of spirits should be immediately so disposed that there may be an equilibration and offset. - 1748, October 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 3726 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3726. Sed incidit objectio, quod excitentur mala a spiritibus malis, et ab angelis impediantur, sic quod initia sint apud spiritus, et quasi influant in coelum, ubi coercentur; sed responsum cum perceptione, quod omne bonum Domini, per coelum influens in mundum spirituum vertatur in malum, et sic quod malum sit quod fluit ab ideis angelicis, hoc malum est, apud spiritus, per quod excitant mala apud hominem; et sic quod redeat in coelum, non sequitur, [sed] cum Dominus influat per coelum et inde malum [sistatur], quod etiam influat in coelum seu in angelos, ad compescendum malum, nam quia in unum etiam in alterum;, quod verum est constat ab angelis apud hominem, qui compescunt et temperant mala spirituum, qui fatentur quod Dominus compescat, tametsi videatur iis tanquam ii essent; quare etiam tale aequilibrium in mundo spirituum a Domino tenetur, et talis ordo, ut cuicunque malo suum quasi responsum, seu impedimentum sit, et si malum supraponderaret, et sic praevaleret, quod disponeretur mundus spirituum illico ita, ut sit aequilibratio, et sit responsio. 1748, 26 Oct.

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