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《灵界经历》 第3728节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3728

3728. About sirens

A certain person came to me suddenly, whom I perceived to be Paul, asking whether I was speaking ill of him, but I replied that I was not thinking about him at that time. This made me realize that evil spirits overhead are beginning to speak through sirens with others while I am awake, as if they are speaking from me, and they spoke further with still others. It was a kind of undulation descending from the spirits overhead, and they likewise spoke with others almost as from me. 1748, 26 Oct.

They are continuing still to speak thus, and to say filthy things, but I hear nothing, to me it is like silence, nor do I discern what they are saying. The spirits who are listening declare that they are filthy things, yet in language like mine, but because it is filthy, it is not from me. They are holding me in a state of mind of not perceiving, but also of a certain pleasure - such are the sirens.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3728


A certain person came to me of a sudden, and it was perceived that it was Paul, who inquired whether I were speaking ill of him. But it was replied that I was not then thinking of him. It was thence perceived that the evil spirits above the head began to speak through the sirens with others, while I was awake as if from me; they spoke also with still others. There was a species of undulation descending from the spirits above the head, and they likewise spoke with others as from me. - 1748, October 28. They yet continue thus to speak, and [to utter] foul things, but I hear nothing; it is to me as entire silence, nor do I perceive anything. The spirits who hear say that the things uttered are foul, but that the speech is as if from me, although from the foulness [they know] it is not from me, and they hold me not only in the state of not perceiving, but in a certain kind of pleasurable frame. Such are the sirens.

Experientiae Spirituales 3728 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3728. De sirenibus

Quidam ad me subito venit, ut perceptum, erat Paulus, quaerens an ego loquerer de eo malum, sed respondebatur, quod non cogitaverim tunc de eo; inde perceptum quod mali spiritus supra caput per sirenes incipiant loqui cum aliis, cum vigil sim, sicut ex me, cum aliis porro etiam loquuti, erat species undulationis, a spiritibus supra caput descendens, et similiter fere ut ex me loquuti cum aliis. 1748, 26 Oct. Continuant adhuc loqui ita, et spurca, sed nihil audio, est mihi sicut silentium, nec percipio quid: dicunt spiritus qui audiunt, quod spurca, at loquela quod sicut mea, sed quia spurca, non a me, tenentes me non solum in statu non percipiendi, sed etiam in aliquo jucundo; tales sunt sirenes.

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