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《灵界经历》 第3727节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3727

3727. The fallacy of those who imagine otherwise was once again refuted by the case of antipodes, and that unless they know of the existence of antipodes, and that we are in an antipodal relation every 12th hour, no one would every believe it, thinking that they would then fall down. But the cause was explained, being that there is gravity in every least particle of a person which presses one toward the earth, and since that aura of gravity is in every least thing, one is at once up or down according to gravity. This is also confirmed by other familiar experiences in respect to centripetal force. Having heard these explanations the spirits remained silent. 1748, 26 Oct.

It was said that in the human body, fluids do not have their up and down according to an aura outside of the body, for the upward and downward there, and the tendencies toward different quarters are determined according to endeavors - about which much could be said. Thus the blood and other fluids do not acknowledge the upward and downward in the body that is outside, as experience also confirms.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3727

3727. Their fallacy in supposing otherwise is again refuted by [the case of] the antipodes, inasmuch as if they did not know that there were antipodes, and that we come into that relation every twelfth hour, no one would ever believe it, because he would suppose that they would thus fall off. The cause was then stated, to wit, that there is a [principle of] gravitation in each minutest particle of a man, which presses [him] towards the earth, and since there is such a sphere of gravitation in each single particle, therefore it is up or down to a man according to gravitation; which is also confirmed by other well known experiences in respect to the centripetal force. In these things, when heard, the spirits acquiesced. - 1748, October 28. It was said that the fluids in the human body had their up and down not according to the sphere without the body; for they are then confirmed in their upward and downward motion, and in their tendency to [particular] quarter, according to endeavor [nisus], concerning which much might be said. Thus the blood and other fluids do not recognize the same up and down in the body, which [holds] without, which is also confirmed by experience.

Experientiae Spirituales 3727 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3727. Fallacia eorum, quod aliter putent, iterum refutata per antipodes, quod nisi scirent antipodes esse, et nos antipodes quavis 12ma hora, nusquam aliquis crederet, quia putaret quod sic delaberentur, causa tamen dicta, quod sit gravitas in quamlibet particulam minimam hominis, quae premit versus terram, et cum talis gravitatis sphaera in singulis, tunc illico homini est sursum et deorsum secundum gravitatem; quod etiam aliis experientiis notis de vi centripeta confirmatum; his auditis spiritus acquieverunt. 1748, 26 Oct. Dicebatur quod in corpore humano fluida suum sursum et deorsum non habent secundum sphaeram extra corpus; nam formata sunt ibi sursum et deorsum et vergentia ad plagas secundum nisus, de quibus multa possent dici, sic sanguis et caetera fluida, non agnoscunt sursum et deorsum in corpore, quod extra, quod quoque experientia confirmatum.

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