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《灵界经历》 第3732节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3732

3732. About the Quakers

In my sleep Abr. Schonstrom appeared, concerning whom I had conceived a character of inward deceit and malice, judging from outer appearances. I leave it unsaid whether he is such inwardly - even now he seemed different, and I got a somewhat better impression, but still that he was inwardly malignant, especially because he despised others in comparison with himself.

The Quakers appeared in my sleep, and at length they were clothed in garments shimmering with gold, outwardly, as garments are customarily adorned (galoner 1) from the garments up to the face, so that their faces were adorned, or as it were clothed with an ample array of such small, gilded cords.


1. Swedish for "with fringes."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3732


In my sleep Abr. Schonst appeared, concerning whom I had an idea of interior deceit and malice, concluding from externals. Whether he were really such I pretend not to say. He then appeared different, and as one concerning whom I had a somewhat better conceit, but still [thinking] that he was inwardly malignant, and especially that he had a contemptuous opinion of others compared with himself. They [the Quakers] appeared in [my] sleep, and at length [they were seen] clad in outer garments [that shone] splendidly with a profusion of gold, adorned as the garments of the French are wont to be, on whose persons the gilded flowers extend themselves from the garments to the face, so their face is adorned, or, as it were, clothed with an ample array of such small gilded cords [or tassels].

Experientiae Spirituales 3732 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3732. De Quakeris

In somno visus Abr. Schonst. de quo interioris doli et malitiae conceptum habui, ab externis concludens, relinquo usque num talis sit in interioribus, tum etiam visus alius, de quo aliquantum meliorem conceptum habui, sed usque quod interius malignus, cumprimis quod contemneret alios prae se. Ii visi in somno, et tandem quod vestibus induti sint multo auro splendido, extus; sicut vestes ornari solent (galloner, qui a vestibus etiam in faciem se extendebant, sic ut facies eorum satis multum talibus auratis funiculis, esset ornata, seu quasi vestita.

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