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《灵界经历》 第3733节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3733

3733. When I awoke, spirits spoke with me, telling that they were Quakers, whom I had thought of as honest in life, and upright, for I had never heard otherwise. I spoke with them, because they suppose that they are led by the holy spirit. About holiness, they declared that holiness is to engage in trade, but I was prompted to reply that trade is not holiness, but to trade in such and such a way, thus with uprightness and compassion, that is holiness, which they understood, saying it was so.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3733

3733. When I awoke the spirits spoke with me, saying that they were Quakers, concerning whom I had had barely the idea that they were, as to life, honest and upright, for I had never heard anything else. When I spoke with them concerning sanctity - as they deem themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit - they said merchandize was sanctity; but it was given to reply that merchandize was not sanctity, but merchandize conducted so and so, especially with probity and compassion; that [when that was the case] then there was sanctity, which they perceived and acknowledged to be true.

Experientiae Spirituales 3733 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3733. Cum expergefactus loquuti mecum spiritus, dicentes quod essent Quaqueri; de quibus tale cogitavi, quod sint quoad vitam honesti, et probi, nam aliud nihil auditum a me, loquutus cum iis, quia putant se a spiritu sancto duci, de sanctitate, dicebant quod sanctitas sit mercari, sed dicere datum, quod mercari non sit sanctitas, sed quod mercentur ita aut ita, proinde cum probitate, et misericordia, quod tunc sanctitas, quod percipiebant, et dicebant quod ita sit.

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