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《灵界经历》 第3737节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3737

3737. I was inspired to tell them that as to their declaration that they do not speak ill of anyone nor do harm to anyone, this is all right in earthly society, but to think evil and to be an inwardly evil person is not tolerated in the other life, nor in societies of the other life, because speech there and such things are not like they are in the world, but it is the mental imagery of their thought that is communicated to others. So if any are inwardly evil they do the greatest injury to societies of the other life, and are not recognized there except by the mental imagery of their thought - which is their speech.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3737

3737. It was given to say to them, as to their assertion that they spoke evil of no one and did evil to no one, that this was well in a society on earth, but to think evil and to be intrinsically evil, this is not tolerated in the other life - not in the societies of the other life - because there there is not such a speech, nor such other things as in the world, but there are the ideas of thought, which are communicated to others; wherefore if they are intrinsically evil, they exceedingly injure the societies of the other life, nor are they known there by any other means than their ideas, which are their speech.

Experientiae Spirituales 3737 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3737. Iis dicere datum, quod dixerint se non loqui male de ullo, nec facere malum alicui, hoc in societate terrestri bonum est, sed cogitare malum, et intrinsecus malus esse, hoc non toleratur in altera vita, non in societatibus alterius vitae, quia non ibi loquela talis, et talia quae in mundo, sed ideae eorum cogitationis ibi sunt, quae communicantur aliis, quare si intrinsecus mali, quam maxime laedunt societates alterius vitae, nec noscuntur ibi ab aliis quam ex ideis cogitationis, quae eorum loquela.

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