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《灵界经历》 第3755节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3755

3755. There are contrary mediums through whom good is instilled by the Lord

There was a certain medium inside of me for almost the whole night by means of whom I experienced a sensation of the greatest pleasure and happiness, and this constantly throughout the night, even though evil spirits were continually trying to take away that pleasant happiness. Later on, the spirit inside of me went away toward the lower parts, saying it was he who had brought on that pleasant sensation, and I indeed felt the outer pleasure then withdrawing. But he declared further that he was a contrary spirit, thus that he would have prevented pleasure - this showing that the Lord makes use of negative mediums, even evil ones, and through them instills pleasure. This was for the reason given to me that the medium himself does not feel the pleasure, and if he did, then he would appropriate it to himself, and thus take it away. This all shows that evil spirits are made use of also to strengthen pleasant feelings and appropriate them to mankind. 1748, 28 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3755


There was a certain subject within me for nearly the whole night, by means of which I experienced a sensation of the highest pleasure and happiness, continued through the night, although the evil spirits incessantly strove to rob me of that extreme delight. Afterwards the spirit that was within me towards the lower parts [of my person] went away and said, that he had infused the pleasant sensation. I also perceived that the external pleasure receded. But he yet said that he was contrary, and would have prevented the agreeable feeling. It thence appeared that the Lord makes use of opposed subjects, and also of evil ones, through which to insinuate delight, for the reason, as was said to me, that such an one has not the perception of delight, which if he had, he would then appropriate it to himself and thus take it away. From which it appears that evil spirits are also employed to confirm delights and to appropriate them to man. - 1748, October 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 3755 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3755. Quod subjecta sint contraria, per quae usque bonum a Domino insinuatur

Erat subjectum quoddam intra me, tota fere nocte, qua jucundissimum quoddam et felicissimum percepi, et hoc constanter per noctem, tametsi mali spiritus jucunditatem et felicitatem illam conabantur jugiter auferre; postea spiritus intra me versus inferiora abivit et dixit, quod is intulerit jucundum hoc, sensi quoque, quod externum jucundum tunc recederet; sed dixit usque, quod is contrarius esset, sic quod impediverit jucunda, exinde constabat quod Dominus adhibeat subjecta opposita, et quoque mala, per quae insinuat jucundum, ex causa, quae mihi dicta, quod is non perceptionem jucundi habeat, si perceptionem is haberet, tunc sibi adpropriaret illud, et sic tolleret; ex quibus constat quod mali spiritus adhibeantur quoque ad firmanda jucunda et illa adproprianda homini. 1748, 28 Oct.

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