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《灵界经历》 第3756节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3756

3756. Evil spirits know neither what is true, nor what is evil

I spoke with evil spirits, saying that they do not know what evil is, nor what truth is, and they were clearly shown that whatever is true and good, they call false and evil, so they also feel and perceive them as such. For this reason they are unable to know and perceive what is true and good except as falsity and evil.

As for evil, neither do they know and perceive this, because they take falsity to be truth and evil to be good, because these are agreeable with their nature: consequently, they know nothing, since they know neither truth, nor good, nor falsity, nor evil. They were unable to reply, adhering only to their fantasies, wherefore I was prompted to say that when they are told that they can do nothing, they would at once call this false, and perceive it as evil. Therefore (now) if they were told they were capable of all things, they would think this was true and perceive it as good and pleasant. They are listening now and keeping silent. The conclusion was therefore drawn that they know and understand nothing. 1748, 28 Oct. This shows that they are void of life, because life consists in the understanding of truth and the will of good.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3756


I spoke with evil spirits to the effect that they know neither what is evil nor what is true, and it was manifestly shown to them that whatever is true, and good, this they call false and evil, for thus they feel it and perceive it to be; wherefore they are unable to know and perceive the true and the good except as false and evil. As to what pertains to evil, they neither know it nor perceive it because they take the false for the true, and the evil for the good, because they agree with their nature; hence they know nothing, neither the true nor the good, nor the false, nor the evil. To this they could not reply, but still adhered to their phantasies; wherefore it was given to say, when it was declared to them that they could do nothing, that they would immediately say that this was false, and would be perceived by them as evil. So (:now:) if it should be said to them that they could do all things, they would think that this was true, and would perceive it as good or pleasant. They now hear and are silent. The conclusion therefore is that they know and perceive nothing. - 1748, October 28. Hence it appears that they have not life, for life consists in the understanding of what is true and the willing of what is good.

Experientiae Spirituales 3756 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3756. Quod mali spiritus nec sciant quid verum nec quid malum

Loquutus cum malis spiritibus, quod non sciant quid malum, nec quid verum, et ostensum iis manifeste, quod quicquid verum et bonum est, hoc vocant falsum et malum, ita etiam sentiunt, et percipiunt, quare verum et bonum scire et percipere nequeunt, nisi sicut falsum et malum: quod malum attinet, nec id sciunt et percipiunt, quia falsum capiunt ut verum, et malum ut bonum, quia congruunt eorum naturae, proinde nihil sciunt, cum nec verum, nec bonum, nec falsum, nec malum; non poterant respondere, sed modo inhaerebant phantasiis, quare dicere dabatur, cum iis dicatur quod nihil possint, quod illico dicerent hoc esse falsum, et perciperetur iis ut malum; ita (nunc) si diceretur iis quod omnia possent, putarent hoc esse verum, et perciperent ut bonum seu jucundum; audiunt nunc et silent: conclusum ergo, quod nihil sciant et percipiant. 1748, 28 Oct. Inde constat, quod non vita, quia vita consistit in intellectu veri et voluntate boni. 1


1. sequuntur in ms. duo paragraphi non numeratae nec absolutae, lineis transversis deletae:

Spiritus veniebant ad me, forte quia cogitaverant quod haverent usque vitam, in qua non malum, et falsum, sicut quod in vita corporis plura sciunt et faciunt, sicut ea

Spiritus veniebant postea ad me, cum quibus locquutus, quod omnis aliquis homo aliquid sciat quod non alter; inducebant me in loquelam de vita corposis, quibus dixi quod (J.F.I. Tafel: "quae verba insequenti paragrapho repetivit castigata, quare ea in textu omisi")

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