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《灵界经历》 第3758节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3758

3758. As regards truly human life, however, it is not a life that we have in common with beasts, for beasts are much better and more artfully skilled in making those things they have need of. But truly human life is life that looks to eternal life, consequently to the soul; for mankind lives for the sake of life eternal, and that is what makes us human. That life consists in an understanding of truth and a will of goodness, which with evil spirits is no life, in fact a dead one, as has been said. It is also evident from those who have come into the other life who have had little spiritual life, in that they are like wood, having hardly anything of life - which, however, is revived in them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3758

3758. As to what pertains to a life truly human, it is not such a life as is common to the beasts, for the beasts, in those things of which they have need, have the faculty of providing them with much more skill than man; but a life truly human is one which has respect to eternal life, and hence to the soul, for a man lives in reference to eternal life, and from those things it is that he is a man, which life consists in understanding truth and willing good, and which with evil spirits is nothing, yea, is dead, as was said. It also appears from those who come into the other life, and who have had very little of spiritual life, as they are like sticks of wood, having scarcely the least of life; yet it is [sometimes] excited with them. - 1748, October 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 3758 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3758. Quod autem vitam vere humanam attinet, non est vita talis, quae communis est bestiarum, nam bestiae in iis quibus opus habent multo melius et artificiosius callent et faciunt; sed vita vere humana [est] quae spectat vitam aeternam, proinde animam, nam propter vitam aeternam vivit homo, et ex iis est homo, quae vita consistit in intellectu veri et voluntate boni, quae apud spiritus malos est nulla imo mortua, ut dictum; constat etiam ab iis qui in alteram vitam venerunt, qui parum spiritualis vitae habuerunt, quod instar lignorum sint, et vix aliquid vitae habeant, quae tamen apud eos exsuscitatur. 1748, 28 Oct.

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