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《灵界经历》 第3759节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3759

3759. People on earth are vessels

I spoke with spirits, saying that there are vessels in the human memory, in which their mental imagery is grounded. For this reason they are sometimes unable to speak otherwise than according to the vessels, which vessels are arranged by good spirits, these by the angels, and all by the Lord, as well as directly by the Lord. Therefore spirits cannot speak differently than according to the arrangement of the vessels. For they direct their mental imagery toward the vessels and base it thereon. Moreover, spirits are vessels, and they then arouse the person to speak, and these in turn arouse inward evil spirits, or good ones. 1748, 28 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3759


Conversation was had with spirits, intimating that there are vessels in man's memory in which as their ideas are terminated they cannot at any time speak otherwise than according to vessels, which vessels are directed by good spirits, these by the angels, and all by the Lord, and also immediately by the Lord; wherefore spirits cannot speak otherwise than according to the direction of vessels, for they determine their ideas thither, and there they terminate. Spirits moreover are vessels, and then they move man to speak, and these again are excited by interior evil spirits, or by the good. - 1748, October 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 3759 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3759. Quod homines vasa sint

Loquutus cum spiritibus, quod vasa sint in memoria hominis, in quibus quia terminantur eorum ideae, quandoque non possunt aliter loqui quam secundum vasa, quae vasa diriguntur a spiritibus bonis, hi ab angelis, et omnes a Domino, tum etiam immediate a Domino, quare non possunt spiritus aliter loqui, quam secundum directionem vasorum, nam suas ideas illuc determinant, et ibi terminant; et praeterea sunt spiritus vasa, et tunc hominem ad loquendum excitant, et hi a spiritibus interioribus malis, vel a bonis. 1748, 28 Oct.

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