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《灵界经历》 第3762节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3762

3762. About the Quakers

I spoke with Quaker spirits, who are located in front, somewhat higher up. From there they spoke with me, declaring that they were spirits from eternity, thus the holy spirit, and I was prompted to reply to them that no spirit is from eternity, asking whether they realized that they had been people on earth, also from the fact that they adopt new spirits to themselves, that they also may be the holy spirit, and that one Alone is from eternity - the Lord, Who is holy and Holiness Itself. And when I said that from Him is all Good and Truth, all Innocence, all Peace and all mercy, then they withdrew within themselves, as if struck within by (hissna 1). It was given me to ask them from what source they have the ability to think, and they said at first from themselves, finally from some other source, but they knew not whence. But this was a lie on their part, for I perceived it to be their belief that they live, think, speak, from themselves, and also that they are capable to do all things from themselves. So they even tried many things, but in secret - for they operate so secretly that scarcely any spirit knows that it is coming from them - but they tried in vain. Finally, because they claimed to be able to do all things, and although proven to have been people on earth, yet boasted themselves as saints, they were declared in a loud voice by myself and others to be filthy spirits, profane, much worse than manure, cadaverous, excremental, and nothing but abominable dung - which was declared to them openly, nor were they able to say anything in reply.


1. Swedish for "vertigo," "acrophobia."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3762


Conversation was had with Quaker spirits, who are somewhat elevated in front. They thence spoke with me saying that they were spirits from eternity, thus the Holy Spirit, to whom it was given in reply that there was no spirit from eternity, [and asking] whether they did not know that they had been men from their associating new spirits to themselves, that they too might be the Holy Spirit with them, and that there is one Only Being from eternity, the Lord Who is holy or Holiness Itself. And when I said that from Him is all Goodness and Truth, all Innocence, all Peace, and all Mercy, they then withdrew within themselves, as if there was that within (:gissna 1.:) which gives them the ability to think. They said indeed at first that this was from themselves, but at length confessed that it was from another source, but whence they did not know. This, however, was their lie, for I perceived that their belief was, that they lived, thought and spoke from themselves, consequently that they could of themselves do everything, wherefore they essayed many things, but in secret, for they act in secret, so that scarcely any spirit can detect what is from them; but they cannot wholly conceal it. At length, because they said they were able to do all things, and yet were plainly shown to have been men, while yet they vaunt themselves as being saints, they were published with an open voice by myself and others as foul spirits, much more profane than the dungy, cadaverous, and most filthy spirits, and as nothing else than abominable ordure, which was said to them openly, nor could one of them reply.


1. A Swedish word signifying properly slippery, i. e. bland, feigned.

Experientiae Spirituales 3762 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3762. De Quakeris 1

Loquutus cum spiritibus Quakerianis, qui sunt antrorsum aliquantum altius, inde mecum loquuti dicentes quod essent spiritus ab aeterno, sic spiritus sanctus, quibus dicere datum quod nullus spiritus ab aeterno, annon scirent quod homines fuerint, ex eo etiam quod adsciscant novos spiritus ad se, ut sint cum iis quoque spiritus sanctus, et quod Solus unus ab aeterno, Dominus, Qui sanctus aut Ipsa Sanctitas; cumque dicerem quod ab Ipso omne Bonum et Verum, omnis Innocentia, omnis Pax et omnis misericordia, tunc in se se retraxerunt, quasi quod intus (hissna; quaerere datum unde habeant quod possint cogitare, dicebant ex semet, tandem quod aliunde, sed non scirent unde; sed hoc erat eorum mendacium, nam quod ex semet vivant, cogitent, loquantur, hoc percepi eorum esse fidem; tum quod ex se omnia possint, quare etiam tentarunt multa, sed in occulto, nam in occulto agunt, ut vix aliquis spiritus sciat quod ab iis, sed incassum; tandem quia se omnia posse dicebant, et convicti quod homines fuerint, et tamen se sanctos praedicant, declarati sunt aperta voce a me, ab aliis, quod sint spiritus spurci, prophani, multo magis quam stercorei, cadaverosi, excrementitii, et nihil nisi quam excrementum abominandum, quod iis dictum aperte, nec quicquam respondere potuerunt.


1. 3763 deest

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