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《灵界经历》 第3783节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3783

3783. Then spirits are in their joy and their very life, for nothing is more pleasing to them. From this one acquires a character that remains after death, when one becomes a spirit. 1748, 30 Oct.

That spirits are not able to bring on persuasions, is due to the fact that they do not possess a bodily memory, but take on that of a person on earth. If spirits also were to retain their bodily memory, then they would utterly obsess the person, who would then no longer be sui juris, or have a life more than as one obsessed. This is also the reason a spirit is not permitted to usurp a person's bodily memory, for if they were, the human race would perish. 1748, 30 Oct.

Nor are spirits permitted to possess a memory of things past, this being the person's own, even though all things to the very least remain with spirits that they had seen and heard; but they are not permitted nor are they able, to recall them. The Lord Alone sometimes grants that things be recalled which they had seen and heard - as, in the case of certain ones, what they had suffered, and how often, which I have heard. 1748, 30 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3783

3783. The reason that spirits are unable to induce persuasions is, that they do not enjoy a corporeal memory, but put on that of man; for were spirits to retain their corporeal memory, they would so far obsess man, that he would have no more self-control or be in the enjoyment of his own life, than one actually obsessed. This is the cause also that it is not permitted a spirit to usurp a corporeal memory, for thus the human race would perish. - 1748, October 30. Neither is it allowed to spirits to have the memory of the past, which is appropriate to man only, although all and singular things which they had formerly seen and heard remain with spirits, but it is not permitted them to recall anything of them, nor can they, but the Lord alone grants at times the power of recalling what they have seen and heard, as [for instance] with some the fact that they have suffered, and the number of cases, which I heard. - 1748, October 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 3783 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3783. tunc spiritus in sua jucunditate seu in sua vita sunt, nam iis nihil jucundius, inde trahit homo, quod talis quoque fiat post mortem, cum spiritus. 1748, 30 Oct. Quod persuasiones inducere nequeant spiritus, causa est, quia non gaudent memoria corporea, sed hominis induant; si etiam memoriam corpoream retinerent spiritus, tunc prorsus obsiderent hominem, sic ut sui juris aut suae vitae non magis esset, quam obsessus; quae causa quoque est, quod memoriam corpoream usurpare spiritui non liceat, nam sic humanum genus periret. 1748, 30 Oct. Nec spiritibus licet habere memoriam praeteritorum, hoc hominis proprium est, tametsi apud spiritus omnia et singula remanent, quae prius viderant et audiverant, sed nihil ex iis revocare iis permittitur, nec possunt, Solus Dominus dat quandoque ut revocentur ea quae viderant et audiverant, sicut apud quosdam, quid passi sint, et quoties, quod audivi. 1748, 30 Oct.

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