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《灵界经历》 第3784节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3784

3784. About Quakers

It has been observed that whenever [others] wished to examine their doctrinal tenets and the secrets of their worship, and wished to instruct them, they would turn away by various maneuvers, speaking of other matters, even of disgraceful ones, thus putting issues aside. For they are unwilling to discuss with others their doctrinal tenets, or those of others - although they do want to hear those of others, but in such a way as not to be indoctrinated or convinced by them, thus non-committally, so that the other party who is speaking does not notice [any reaction].

Their aura arising from their aversion to speaking of such matters, and from not opening up their doctrinal matters, and their secrets, to others, is such that other spirits simply cannot abide them, but are displeased and become angry that they hide in this way, and turn away. For spirits, when they are unable to find out others' secrets, cannot tolerate them, as they are extremely curious. So the Quaker spirits live separate from others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3784


It was observed that as often as other spirits wished to explore their doctrinals and the secrets of their worship, and would fain instruct them, so often they would turn away on various pretences, speaking of other things, drawing attention to other subjects, even to those that were unseemly, and thus putting away inquiry; for they are unwilling to speak with others either concerning their own doctrinals or those of others. Yet they desire to hear concerning [the tenets] of others, but still in such a way as not have them impressed upon themselves or be persuaded by them, thus intelligently, so that the other party who speaks should not observe [that they give any heed to it]. Their sphere, arising from their aversion to speak of such things for fear of disclosing their doctrinals or their secrets, is such that other spirits can by no means be with them, as they are indignant and angry that they should practice such concealment, and so avert themselves, since spirits when they cannot penetrate the secrets of others, cannot tolerate them, for they are intensely curious. Wherefore the Quaker spirits live apart from others.

Experientiae Spirituales 3784 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3784. De Quakeris

Observatum est, cum explorare vellent eorum doctrinalia et arcana cultus, et cum eos instruere, quod toties averterent per varias inventiones, loquendo de aliis, deducendo ad alia, etiam ad ea quae inhonesta, sic amovendo, nam cum aliis de suis doctrinalibus, nec de aliorum loqui volunt; tametsi cupiunt audire aliorum, sed ita, ne iis imprimantur, seu ne ii persuadeantur, ita incognito, et quasi alter qui dicit, non observet: sphaera eorum inde, quod nihil loquantur de talibus, nec aperiant sua doctrinalia aliis, et sua arcana, est talis, ut alii spiritus nequaquam cum iis esse possint, indignantur, irascuntur, quod sic occultent, et quod sic avertant, nam spiritus cum non possint scire aliorum arcana, eos non sufferre possunt, nam curiosissimi sunt: quare spiritus Quakeriani separati vivunt ab aliis.

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