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《灵界经历》 第3787节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3787

3787. With those, however, who have faith, that is, who are led by the Lord, the case is entirely different. They, too, are given to know that nothing is their own, but that all belongs to the Lord, through the angels, and because they are instilled with good feelings together with the conviction of truth and goodness by the Lord, therefore, when they are not prompted to reflect, it seems these qualities are from themselves, for they do not know otherwise, so that they seem to be in a complete state of freedom. But as soon as they begin to credit goodness and truth to themselves, the Lord is aware of this and reflection is granted to them, and they are instructed in a variety of ways that it is not from themselves, but from the Lord. This is done also by way of living experiences, even until they are led back into a state of truth, thus once more enjoying the happiest freedom. This is what is properly called freedom. 1748, 31 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3787

3787. But with those who are in faith, that is, who are led by the Lord, the case is altogether different. To them it is given to know that they have nothing of their own, but that everything is of the Lord through the angels, and because good affections with the persuasion of truth and good are insinuated into them, while reflection is not at the same time given, then it seems to them that it is from themselves, knowing nothing else, so that it appears to them that they are in a full state of liberty. But as soon as anyone begins to claim good and truth for himself, the Lord knows it, reflection is given him, and by various lively experiences he is instructed that it is not from himself, but from the Lord, so that he is at length brought into a state of truth, and thus again enjoys the happiest liberty. This is what is [truly] called liberty. - 1748, October 31.

Experientiae Spirituales 3787 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3787. At vero qui in fide sunt, hoc est a Domino ducuntur, [cum iis] prorsus aliter se habet; iis quoque datur scire, quod nihil est eorum, sed quod omne sit Domini, per angelos, et quia eis affectiones bonae cum persuasione veri et boni a Domino insinuantur, cum non simul datur ei reflexio, tunc videtur sibi ex semet, nihil tunc aliud sciens, sic ut videatur sibi in pleno statu libertatis esse; at ut primum incipit sibi vindicare bonum et verum - hoc Dominus novit - datur ei reflexio, et instruitur varie, quod non ab eo, sed quod a Domino, etiam per vivas experientias, usque dum reducitur in statum veritatis, et sic iterum fruitur libertate felicissima; hoc est quod vocatur libertas. 1748, 31 Oct.

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